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Has it snowed near where you are yet? Still nothing for us :crying:
We have gotten our first snow however it wasn't anything stuck around, which is odd for us since this time last year we had snow all over the place.
Nothing yet. YAY! XD

Seriously, after the bunch of snow we got last year I'm cool with it. We actually got snowed in for like a week. x_x
It very, very rarely snows over here in the UK. I want it to snow, I've not seen a white Christmas for nearly a decade now. But it's likely not going to snow at Christmas this year.
i live in california so there is no snow. maybe up in the higher mountainous areas might see some dusting of snow. i havent seen snow in ages
CM30 said:
It very, very rarely snows over here in the UK. I want it to snow, I've not seen a white Christmas for nearly a decade now. But it's likely not going to snow at Christmas this year.

Yeah. Did it not snow last year though for atleast a day before it melted? I think so because I remember not going to school and they ended up closing it half way through for those that did go.
It's snowed a few times here already, just a few inches though sadly where I am at. On the mountains it get 4-6 inches depending upon where you went. Hopefully that means we'll have a nice winter, we haven't gotten snow for a few years here.
Nope, no snow here in California. At least not in the Silicon Valley.
It's been unseasonably warm so no snow here. Strange.
Nope, we haven't seen snow at all yet. Actually, we've set record breaking high temperatures for my area all winter so far. Today, it was seventy degrees. I know, that's crazy for Georgia.
I haven't had any snow here where I live. Although I don't live in Georgia, I've been having the same problem as Zimm.
It had a few flurries fall from the sky but thankfully nothing substantial yet has fallen. Snow is literally one of the worst things in the world. I hate being cold outside but ironically I prefer the air be on in the winter lol
We've supposedly gotten a flurry or two at most- it's an oddly warm winter here in the tri-state area. Though, today it's at least near freezing...
I miss the high forty-degree weather of yesterday. This constantly random changing of temperature from warm to cold is causing hell on health.