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So ticked at the school


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My DD is in 8th grade and their Gym class grades how FAST the kids can run in endurance. They are put in to 3 groups- Group A,Group B,Group C and that is your grade. My DD runs in the B group and the teacher yesterday was saying in front of the other kids " you ran A group last year and now your in B group and that she was LAZY !! She hates gym class because she has to go through this every week ,and alot of the kids laugh at her. She has lost her confidence ,says she is fat and ugly.. She doesn't want to call the school to complain. I'm sorry but this teacher is a bully and it's uncalled for. Don't promote Anti Bullying Week when your teachers are doing it!! Thanks for letting me vent. She is a straight A student and her grades are starting to take a hit.
Even the groups are wrong, gym and art when a required class (if you sign up for an elective that is different) should be graded on effort.
call the school. I would tell them that you are calling against your DD's wishes, and tell them that she doesn't want you to call because she doesn't want the teacher to give her MORE ****.

That's ridiculous. So, are the "developmentally delayed" kids given lesser grades because they can't run as well? WTF?

This is not Gym Class circa 1974, when the "jocks" ran the show. Things changed for a reason. I'm all for pushing kids to do their best athletically, but bullying them to get them to do it is NOT ok.

In 5th grade we were graded on how many free throws we could make. I tried and tried and couldn't make one. I was about 4ft tall. I thought that was completely unfair. Why not grade everyone on back handsprings so I could get an A....

In 8th grade I saw the gym grades (yes I realize that it was wrong to look). All the boys got A's and all of the girls got C's. Except one girl that was a soccer sensation... I'm sure there were a few B's mixed in... But I was shocked at the disparity.
Thanks for all your comments. My DD doesn't want this teacher to single her out because her Mom called.I told her if he says anything like that to call him out in front of everyone how he is bully . I always tell my kids that if anyone gives them crap, they give it right back , but she doesn't want to get in trouble. I always have my kids back. I have dealt with the schools before and lets say I am heard! I'm gonna talk to her again about me calling , I just can't sit back and do nothing.
That's why I would tell the school that your DD is AFRAID of you calling them about her teacher. It's really bullshit...he is still bullying her, because she is worried.

If/when you call... Ask what the policy is first.

I certainly know that my kids have made things out to look a certain way..and they were "embellished"...

It doesn't sound right... Does not sound like standard practice to me.. but it has been awhile since the older kids were in school and Billy is still younger.
I have brought this up to them before about how it's not right that they are graded on their run times and what group they are in and was told that's not how it is. Then I went on their website and it says it in their description on how endurance is graded..
This is from their web page-
50% = Daily Grade

-Students are expected to participate to the best of their abilities dressed in the Oak Prairie Physical Education Uniform. Students in my class are only docked participation points if they forget their uniform, show poor effort, attitude, or have excessive absences.

25% = Endurances

-Students run endurance once a week. Endurance is ten laps around the gym which equals a half mile.

6th & 7th GradeExample: Group 1 = Under 4:30 for an A

Group 2 = Under 5:00 for a B

Group 3 = Runs their own pace and graded on improvement
I am now even more disturbed because this is a man teacher. Is this a public school? He is harassing her, and the school does not want him doing that.

Talk to her very specifically. Is she being singled out or is this a "girl" theme? If she is being singled out, I would definitely call because then what is going on is predatory behavior. Teachers since the 80s already know that singling out students with disparaging/harassing comments is not permitted.

If it were me, I would call the teacher himself and tell him he better not ever do this again, starting right now. What he is doing is harassment, and you are not going to stand for it. Tell him that if there are any further harassing or punitive actions on his part, you will go to the district. Make it very clear that there will be not one comment, not one action, no punitive grade reflection, nothing at all. He should completely ignore her and wipe her from his mind. Tell him this is between him and you, this is GOING to stop, and if your daughter comes home again with even a hint of poor treatment, the **** will hit the fan.

If you are FIRM and CLEAR in your direction, teachers will almost always do what you want, if they are in the wrong. Sad to say, but they will move on to easier targets.
I am sorry to hear that loser teachers/districts like this exist. Our middle school gives them an A for endurance as long as they keep moving for "the 9 minute mile". Walking, running, skipping, it doesn't matter as long as they keep going.
I would definitely go against my daughters wishes and call principal. Your daughter doesn't understand the long term effects of this jerk on her and others.
I think you should talk with the teacher and explain how it is affecting your daughter. You shouldn't accuse the teacher of doing something wrong. To me it appears that the teacher is trying to motivate her to do better, she's capable of doing it because she did it last year. The standards set appear to be within the norm (tupermom6 pointed out their school has the same grading system (except theirs is double the distance and double the time)).
I can relate with your daughter. In my high school senior year, my gym teacher was a man, built like a football player, and he got something against me, or at least those who are not athletic or popular in the gym class. I went to class everyday, participated and did my best. But my weaknesses were in swimming, basketball and gymnastics, and that's what we had to do in senior year gym class. Some other gym activities I did fine. Guess what my gym teacher gave me as my final grade, in senior year, about to graduate, a grade of D. I was mortified, never had a D in any of other classes. Told my home room teacher and even he said that's wrong for the gym teacher to give me a D as my grade.

It's been over 20 years now and I am still emotionally scarred by what my gym teacher did. I consider him a bully, but I was not outspoken then. But I don't think it affected my GPA much. This was at Whitney Young HS in Chicago. :surrender:
That is wrong. Can you call anonymously with out her knowing? I would do what Kathy said.