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So, you want to be a host and you want MY advice??


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(this is reprinted from my facebook page)

No less than twice a week, I hear of someone who wants my advice or guidance in becoming a karaoke host. Usually this is focused on what gear to buy and how to use it. Then, the subject of "what are you going to use for music" comes up. THIS is where you lose me...

I started in the 90s...in that era, and before, it took THOUSANDS of dollars to start a music library, then buying a PA system, etc... The day I walked out the door to do my first show, I had about $7500 invested, and continued to have to reinvest money to upgrade equipment and add music to the library.

Along the way, I generated a following and years of experience.

Now, technology has replaced the archaic CD, and we are going to computer based shows, and copying and sharing song files has NEVER been easier...and is STILL just as illegal. So twice a week, or more, people want my help starting a business to compete with me with stolen, pirated music, gotten by them with little to no overhead.

If you are that person, please, dont ask for my help. I am not one to shoot myself in the foot. New karaoke hosts are popping up right and left, and none of them seem to have legal libraries. They all say they are not coming after my gigs, but guess what? My singers will be coming to your gigs, and my attendance numbers are going to fall, and my revenues generated for my employers are going to fall, and I am going to be asked to work for less money IF my show stays alive. I cannot help you do that to me.

This is my reality at this time. I am seeing this, in real time. Now at this point, if you think I am whining, feeling sorry for myself, being preachy or ridiculous, well I guess that is your right...and if you are out booking gigs (public or private) for low money, bar tabs, for the fun of it or otherwise bringing down the industry you wish to join by watering it down, then I ask you to do this... Squint and look at the competition around you and when you wonder why you cant get that many singers to your show, ask yourself how many singers are out at pirated shows. OR if you have a lot of singers at your illegal show, ask yourself where they would sing if you were not in business. THAT is probably the show suffering because of your piracy.

IF THE PLAYING FIELD IS LEVEL...and everyone spent thousands on music legally, we could all make better money and there would be far less of us out there. As long as people want to illegally compete against legal operators, the pay is going to get lower, and the attendance will get lower at each show.

And last night, another friend came to me for advice, which is the impetus of this post. Just wanted to put my opinion out there without getting all preachy, and also to reprint my stance on piracy which is posted at my website. I advised him NOT to host unless he were doing it legally. He told me whose show he wanted to buy, and I told him which host that host copied the hard drive from, and how much he wanted to copy it for me...

That post follows here (reprinted from my website):



(PREFACE: Some will read this and say I am full of crap...and if you are talking about home use or personal use, you may be right...my comments and opinion are tempered for public and professional use, as I am a public professional...THANKS!)

Many customers ask me if I want to copy their discs onto my computer…or they ask me to copy my music onto a disc for them. Both of these practices are not only illegal, but also detrimental to the industry. People say to me all the time “you have a great version of “XXXXXXXX “, can you put that on a disc for me? No I cant…because number 1) I paid for it, 2) It is likely that you will then take that disc and go to another show and sing from it, and THAT host will copy it. What benefit is there to me to not only support another hosts show illegally, but also costing the manufacturer of the disc a sale? I encourage folks that like my versions to come to my shows and sing them, LOL.

To be legal with a computer, if you work in public, you must have a legal disc for each track that you have on your computer, and be operating no more than one copy…meaning I cannot make multiple copies of my hard drive and run concurrent shows.


Many people visit my show, see the laptop on top of my rig and say “Oh, you have a computer, you can get any song you want now” or “oh I see you switched to a laptop, so I guess you have a LOT more music now Huh?”. The answer is no. Having a computer simply means that I am playing the SAME music that I bought legally thru a computer now, instead of a player. I do still have a player to play discs, and I have a disc for each song on my computer. I am also still happy to play discs owned by my customers.

Many many hosts are switching to computers, then adding to their libraries of music with illegal tracks downloaded from the internet, or acquired thru other bootleg means such as buying or copying a preloaded hard drive. Even worse, some NEW hosts are starting with completely illegal libraries and own little to no legal karaoke music.



You may ask “who cares?”. Well, way back when I started out, as well as other long term karaoke hosts, there were no computer players or internet downloads. CDG burning and copying was still a new technology so most all hosts had legitimate, legal karaoke music libraries. This meant having to spend a lot of money on music. You ask any legitimate host what the biggest obstacle to going into the business is, and they will tell you that it is the cost of the acquisition of music. You remove THAT cost, and all of a sudden, EVERYONE wants to be a karaoke host. Competition is always good and always welcomed… BUT, the playing field has to be level. A guy trying to be legal, buying music and paying taxes on income has to charge a bar a fair wage to make a living AND cover expenses. A guy who steals all his music and works under the table can work far cheaper and have the same profit margin…so bar owners are finding hosts willing to work FAR cheaper than legal hosts. This is causing karaoke hosts to earn less each year due to unfair competition. Also, it is frustrating to have singers criticize the host for not having a song because “so and so” has it, and you know so and so has an illegal library of 100,000 songs or more.


There are only so many singers to support karaoke in a community. Admittedly, not everyone is a fan of the same bar…but if in a small town there are multiple hosts competing for the same singers, non of them are going to have a very successful night. A successful night is gauged by how much business the host brings to the bar owner. If the bar does not make money, they cant pay the host that much…and if the host is legal and has to charge a fair wage, they wont be around long, and will be replaced by a pirate host. If the pirate hosts did not operate, there would be less shows, more attendance at the legal shows and the bars and karaoke shows would both be more prosperous.


Dwindling karaoke disc sales are a big problem in this industry. When a disc is released, it ends up on the internet and more people share it than buy it. This has forced many of the companies that make karaoke discs out of business, cutting down on the availability of songs. The biggest producer, Sound Choice, recently had 75 employees and produced 5 discs a month. Lately all of their discs have lost money, as they could not even recoup the cost of licensing and production. They have less than 10 employees now, and have slowed production to an almost standstill. They are now placing their efforts into combating piracy and recouping some losses.


I am choosing to operate legally. I have a smaller library than many of my competitors, but it is well thought out, and I am willing to add to it with requests and new hits. Do not ask me to share my music, and understand why I don’t have 100,000 titles even though everyone else in town seems to.

Sound Choice and other companies are getting together and have begun filing complaints in criminal court against karaoke hosts using illegal libraries. This is resulting in some pirate operations becoming legal or shutting down. Ultimately others will possibly be facing a day in court.

Thanks for your reading and understanding of my position on this subject.
That is an excellent post. Thank you for taking the time.
Harry my love, One correction!

Sound Choice has filed in CIVIL court!
What a well thought out concise and appropriate post. Would you mind if I use a shortened version as my front songbook page?
Good stuff indeed. Reworded slightly and we DJ folk could use it too.
I remember a few years back we had some of the older DJ's in our town using the same "I can't make any money because pirates are undercutting me" excuse. Now it's the KJ's turn.

I've made money as a $25 hour DJ, I've made money as a $100+/hr DJ. It's not always about the library or the price. It's about how bad to they need YOU at their event. The excuse that you lost your spot because someone undercut you is ridiculous.

If you can't bring people in to see YOU (not coming in because there is karaoke) KJ then maybe it's time to move on.
Great post Harry

The big thing is no one cares....At least no one that is important to the income.

Ever have a singer ask if you ran a legal library? Ever hear of one refusing to sing because the host is illegal?

Ever have a bar owner ask if you were legal? If you did you hit the one in a hundred. Most bar owners I have dealt with want the best prodouct for the least money they don't care how you do it just do it. They are all about "putting asses in the seats".

I've been around the boards 10 years and all that time there has been someone trying to educate someone on something and so far there are alot more $300 clients than there are $3000 clients. This is no different just different circumstances
Jeff Romard said:
Great post Harry

The big thing is no one cares....At least no one that is important to the income.

Ever have a singer ask if you ran a legal library? Ever hear of one refusing to sing because the host is illegal?


Ever have a bar owner ask if you were legal? If you did you hit the one in a hundred. Most bar owners I have dealt with want the best prodouct for the least money they don't care how you do it just do it. They are all about "putting asses in the seats".

YES! twice about three months ago both Applebees, when I first started at McGrady's they not only asked they wanted to see my disc!

I've been around the boards 10 years and all that time there has been someone trying to educate someone on something and so far there are alot more $300 clients than there are $3000 clients. This is no different just different circumstances

I have been in this business a long time and to be honest I have never seen a $3000 karaoke bar client in fact the vast majority have been $300 clients (for me anyway)! Man I need to move to your area where a few of the bars pay $3000 a night for Karaoke!
It may be tilting at windmills but you don't get anywhere by not trying at all. For the venues that are operating under the table, out of code, snort stuff in the back types of operations, someone that cares about being legal may be the last type of person they want around their bar. And there is no doubt that venues have been taking advantage of the pool of cheap hosts. But the ones who care about not getting their you know what sued may start to get a different picture.

Many other professions try to educate potential clients . Contractors run ads about hiring licensed contractors vs. unlicensed ones. But for some reason karaoke hosts are supposed to be intimidated into shutting up by insinuations that they must not be good enough to compete against free hosts. I think if a person has a legitimate business investment, then they have as much right to try and protect it from theives as any other business does.

You don't tell stores that try to cut down on shoplifting to just sell a better brand of cereal. They still try to cut down on the shoplifters and educate people to the fact that shoplifters raise prices for everyone. No, they don't eliminate it but they aren't intimidated into doing nothing by comments that there will always be theives and if they had a good store, it wouldn't be a problem. They compete on many levels, from trying to have a better product, better service, better marketing, etc. But they also try to cut down on losses from illegal activity. But for some reason, when a karaoke host tries to do this, they get put down for doing anything outside of just concentrating on the end product.

I know from following forums that Harry has a reputation for being one of the most successful hosts in his area. There must be a reason he has decided he needs to take a stand. I'm glad he did and I hope others join him.
possumdog said:
For the venues that are operating under the table, out of code, snort stuff in the back types of operations, someone that cares about being legal may be the last type of person they want around their bar.

And since many of the potential clients in our area hold gaming licenses, it would behoove them not to have any legal issues, even if only civil, around their establishments....
Streaker said:
I remember a few years back we had some of the older DJ's in our town using the same "I can't make any money because pirates are undercutting me" excuse. Now it's the KJ's turn.

I've made money as a $25 hour DJ, I've made money as a $100+/hr DJ. It's not always about the library or the price. It's about how bad to they need YOU at their event. The excuse that you lost your spot because someone undercut you is ridiculous.

If you can't bring people in to see YOU (not coming in because there is karaoke) KJ then maybe it's time to move on.

There was once a time when I would be inclined to agree with you to a point, but that time is no more. You wont see me online crusading for enforcement or other futile things, but re read my post carefully, and you will see my frustration in that my peers that are asking for my help expect me to be enthusiastic about helping them upstart.

My impetus in spreading this note to my fellow hosts, both legit and illegitimate (yes there are pirates among us, gasp!) is to give them pause to reflect before using that copied hard drive, or before copying it for the other guy, or before making that disc for their singer to go to another show with etc...and all the other activities not only killing the industry, but watering it down at the street level.

As a street level karaoke consumer, as a host, my shows right now are doing fine. Once upon a time they were setting the world on fire. They are not now, because the number of singers is spread out over far more shows. I still attract my share, but I do lose singers who dont mind a shorter wait at a new upstart show, even if the sound is not as good, but the drinks are cheap because they are not paying the entertainment that much, and the host has 150000 songs and I only have about 10k.

Time to move on my a$$, LOL. I was here first. After 12 years full time, it seems ludicrous to me that not only am I not earning MORE money, but am having to consider and endure pay CUTS because of the flagging economy and less singers because there are more shows.

I would not have sour grapes if they were all having the same overhead as me...like I say, level playing field. I am considered the premier show in my area by many, arguably at least in the top 5 of anyones book, and if MY show is visibly suffering, that is saying something about the state of the industry.

So like I pointed out, if you are looking to ME for advice, I have run that well dry.
Like Harry, My show is hot for the area I am in and although I was dealing with several pirate KJs now this area is down to one who is running a show. Two other small but legit shows seem to have folded up shop here as well, so currently that leaves two legits and and one pirate here!

Sadly last Sunday was my last night for Sunday Karaoke at Applebees (pantops), the girl I had running the show allowed an employee to sign up for a Limpbizkit song at 9:30 when there were grandma's and Grandpa's and little kids in the place, It seems that screaming the F word at the top of your lungs is viewed as a bad thing (duh)! Although June cut the song imeadiately it was too late, at least one customer called the corporate office and complained, the Employee and Karaoke were both canned at that store! That is $400 a week that I will be missing for a while!
sorry to hear that Thunder...it's sometimes very hard with some of the newer music to know in advance if you don't listen to that kind of music:sqembarrassed:
Thunder said:
I have been in this business a long time and to be honest I have never seen a $3000 karaoke bar client in fact the vast majority have been $300 clients (for me anyway)! Man I need to move to your area where a few of the bars pay $3000 a night for Karaoke!

I never said there was a $3000 Karaoke bar client around here Steve I was making reference to educating the client.

I will say back in the early 90s I worked with a Karaoke show and we were getting $900 a night for a bar show. Karaoke was new to the area at the time and we were the only game in town. We also ran a FOH system, made tapes for the singers, and the whole deal. We even had our own local cable show.

Nowadays around here the top guy is getting about $200/night for a really dumbed down speakers on sticks show