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Oh Debby, you're taking yourself too harshly. You're a very nice lady!

Always calm, something nice to say, and it'd be REAL cool to meet you. Although, since I don't really know you as well as others, I'd have to get to know your more!

But so far, looks like your intentions are good!

10 years from now, you will worship me. Oh yes, I will be God. I will be yours, and everyones God. I..will..be...TRUMPET GOD!
Justin's Swing Palace
Awww, thank you Napoli! You seem like an awfully nice guy too!

Heh, yeah, goes along with being trumpet god


10 years from now, you will worship me. Oh yes, I will be God. I will be yours, and everyones God. I..will..be...TRUMPET GOD!
Justin's Swing Palace

Now now, alls you need to do is worship me, not bow down to me!

*bows down to Debby's black&whiteness*

10 years from now, you will worship me. Oh yes, I will be God. I will be yours, and everyones God. I..will..be...TRUMPET GOD!
Justin's Swing Palace
LOL...you are just too funny!

*my black & whiteness thanks you for your kindness.*
Aww, Debby, you have to remember that the bulk of this massive 9 page thread was started way long ago before a good size chunk of active posters had ever graced the soup with their presence! We're all so glad to have you aboard

Since my last post in this thread, I have to add that this Hermanm character has kind of grown on me
And I have a feeling we'd get a long just *fine*, be it dressing up in formal gowns, buying discounted apple sauce, or all of the above.

Also, monsiuerjohn and I are definitely cut out to be partners in crime...well, not really crime...rather, perfectly legal chaos. But chaos nonetheless. Buwhahahahaha.

I do want to take PIT sledding one of these days - the poor Australian has never caught a snowflake on his tongue, let alone even seen snow.

I'm very glad to see Boone back in action, but he knows that already.

And as for this Poss guy, well, to put it simply, he's still got a firm grasp on my heart

monsieurjohn: we have 2 yaks on campus
KNSinatra: you lie.
monsieurjohn: no i don't. i don't know what they're doing here, but they're real.

En fuego, bebe.

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by KNSinatra on February 19, 2001 at 01:01 AM]</font>
Why thank you!!How sweet you are! And as for you and Poss....congrats!!!!! How cool you found true love in alien soup!
More Human than Human !!!!!!

Thanks Power Trippie - hahahaah!
MissLeo *hugs* back
And Jhowse "Cool Dude"
And the rest who I have chatted to on AOL
hope we speak again sometime

Some Quote:
"No Explanations, No Excuse's, Not To AnyOne, Not Ever."
Yeah. I could see going to a LAN party with TheFishee. Come on, man. Try some Counter-Strike. It's addictive!

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

That which does not make me barf, makes me stronger - possum37, fugly.net guru.
JHowse & TheFishee: A LANgerie party? *gasp*

Debby: I think we were more talking about the AOL IM chats, Cyber-Mama
You know I lub ya 2 bits! *huggies* You have succeeded in gaining much liking and respect for your posts. Do you have AOL IM? My nick is MissLeo19.

<center><FONT COLOR="blue">Him that I love, I wish to be free - even from me.</center></FONT c>

<FONT size="3"><center><FONT COLOR="red">À l'enfer avec amour!</FONT s></center></FONT c>
A LANgerie party? *gasp*

So must I bring my Black Shorties ??


JHowse I played it this weekend at a Gaming Session
It Rocked big time about 4hrs Solid Gaming Of CS-
As for the rest Of the session was Kaka



<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by TheFishee on February 19, 2001 at 06:15 AM]</font>
I have grown quite fond of you guys, although I only post and haven't really chatted. Maybe we can at some point.

Thanks for the acknowledgement, Debby!

"Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks"
Originally posted by BRiT:
Too many people, too little time. I'm sure the entire group of soupers would be pleasant to hang-out with. Although I have my doubts about Hermie.

BRiT, that's only because you KNOW I'm pleasant to hang out with, having done so on quite a few occasions...
Hermie muttered:
BRiT, that's only because you KNOW I'm pleasant to hang out with, having done so on quite a few occasions...


So when will you be around in Cleveland next? Since we probably wont get a chance to *cough* abuse each other *cough* hang out Chi-town... Just one more week (3 days and a wakeup) left there. [BTW: When did you drop the 'ol nick of BW?]

At least after that, I should have more time to be abused on here.

Oh yeah, that Lysi character seems a bit off, way way way too serious to have any sort of fun.

BRit: Not sure when I'll be in Cleveland next...possibly late spring or so...my only major reason for going back there is to see family, and there's not much of that in Cleveland these days either... My sister is coming to visit in April and my mom is visiting in May, so perhaps I'll go out there for July 4 or something.

Oh, and I dropped the BlackWido name a couple years back when someone started cyberstalking me at my blackwido@concentric.net address... So I dropped that and went for a "meezer" account at a new ISP, since the guy didn't know I liked cats, let alone Siamese... The only reason my username here is what it is, is that I was in a mode of using lastname/first initial to register on websites and didn't quite realize how this place worked. But now I've gotten quite used to everyone calling me hermie...
MissLeo....( my lovely daughter) I just added you to AIM, but you weren't online...hope I can catch you online and chat sometime....you are so sweet, and beautiful....I really would love to have a daughter like you....I am only 35...I say "only" because it really doesn't seem that old to me (yet) but I do have this empty little "mother" spot in my heart. (sorry to get sappy....LOL) If you want to add me to AIM.... I am sheena10165. (My german sheperds name is sheena, hence the nick, and I was born in 65.....can you beleive someone already had sheeena65? So I went with sheeena10165!
Originally posted by BRiT:

Oh yeah, that Lysi character seems a bit off, way way way too serious to have any sort of fun.


yeah..i know what you mean.. she's a wierdo..


Aliensoup Mod

*wavies to all*

Not Much to Be Seen From ANYWHERE !!!!
Looking Out From With-In Me.....

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by TheFishee on February 21, 2001 at 07:38 PM]</font>
*MissLeo adds her wonderful Mama to her AOL IM Buddy list* I do so hate it that time and space separates people who could be so good for each other grrrr! *huggies to Debby*

<FONT COLOR="blue">º Life is a ****, but the puppies are cute º</FONT c>