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Do you like spiders? ..or are you scared of them?
I have always been okay with spiders and have never understood why people are so scared of them
I'm mixed. If it's obviously a daddy long legs or if it doesn't look like it's tan/brown or something, I'm actually pretty okay with them. In fact, I once begged my dad to let me treat the daddy long legs we found as a pet. I'm afraid of some spiders that make me think of brown recluse though, so tan/brown spiders that are small sort of scare me.
Look at this guy.

its a natural built in fear humans have on then ever since we left the trees, same with snakes. very dangerous little critters that can kill you with one bite but then when u get a wee bit older and you know no spiders here in the UK can do serious damage I learned to find them fascinating. I have no problem picking them up. I lived in the jungles of borneo for ten weeks that was a different story lol