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Street kitten at home


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Lisbon, Portugal
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Hey guys! I need your help here.
Yesterday I found some kittens in the port, and magically, what had been 20 years of never having a pet changed totally. I brought one of them home; it was the most sociable and at ease, always getting to the food first.
Anyway, we made his little corner in the kitchen and for a week it's a quaranteen one so he gets used to his new place.
Now I just woke up and went to check up on him. He wasn't there, but I took a peek behind the drying machine and saw his paw. He must have been scared, and now he got INSIDE the machine, from behind. How the hell do I get him out now? The machine's top has marble on top and it's fixed to the wall somehow and so I can only try reach behind but I never feel him.
*SIGH* ANy tips? I tried to bait him with food so I can take him away and fix the issue of the machine having openings and stuff, but he doesn't seem interested.
Leave some food and water out, try every now and again to coax him out with toys and treats, but there isn't really much you can do to get him out without taking the machine apart. He'll come out eventually when he gets hungry/thirsy/bored.
Just leave him there a bit, he'll come out sooner or later - they always do. :)
Tell EVERYONE who's in the house at any time to stop them from turning the machine on ;)
I was afraid he got stuck, or that he'd have difficulties breathing with the amount of dust there is behind the machine... (it comes from the drying of clothes process)
I went to check on him after this thread and he was out, behind it, meowing soundlessly (he actually can't meow? He doesn't make any sound) and full of dust. But I already applied serum in his eyes because of his eyes and brushed him. He's doing fine now but I still need to take him to the vet'. :p
Thanks anyway guys!
He's doing fine :3 Now he doesn't want to leave us and gets lonely in the kitchen, but he has to stay there for now because he hasn't been to the vet.

Here's a picture. Oh and he has a name now: Picasso! :p

That's a good looking cat. I'm allergic to them, so I can't have cats, My wife wants one though.
Trilient, I'm allergic as well, although my allergy is just sneezing/eye reaction. I sometimes take Aerius when it gets annoying. :P
And thank you all! He's getting along fine, although I did notice he has difficulty breathing. Have to take him to the vet quick :(
I don't know how you say it in english, but he probably has 'coriza', which is a sort of cold for cats. It's common in street cats. I need to get him treated from that before he gets all his vaccins. He's fine as long as I keep his little nose and eyes clean. :3
Other than that he's still very playful and not apathic at all, so I'm guessing it's not affecting him much. :D