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Stump the AI


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
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Saw this posted on IRC:


It's gotten me 3/5 times so far, and the other two times it got it. It even got "record player".

Pretty cool.

Edit: It just guessed nail clippers on its second try. Not bad at all!
Yep. I've done this many times (got the link from another forum). I stumped it, but I don't remember with what. I stumped it twice.

Haha, I just stumped it with a computer microphone. :)
i've been playing for like two hours.. *twitch twitch*

i stumped it many times, with things like "song" and "thermometer," oddly enough

and it refuses to guess anything... ah... naughty :naughty:

but it surprised me guessing some things dead on, like hourglass and lemur. crazy
Ive gotten it with dinosaur, sword, and beer
This thing is amazing!

It guessed my "bowling pin" in 18 guesses, so I figured, "fine bi-otch, I'm going to stump you with SUGAR GLIDER". ANd lo and behold, 30 guesses later, it guessed it!


Grrrrrr! I thought I'd have it for sure with "tampon", but nooooo, 29 guesses!! :madder:

Highlight below to see some nasty (but queried!) questions about this particular 20 questions session...(I'd like to think I'm a bit more tactful than to make them uber-public in our PG-13 forum) ;)

Is it red when ripe? I say Yes.
Does it live in wet-lands? I say Yes.
Prox, I just did sword, and it got it within 19 questions. Must have put some different things for answers. *shrugs*
heh, it even figured out pomegranate, but I did manage to stump it with prosthetic leg.
:lol: @ kns

yeah, it randomizes the questions it asks, so sometimes it gets things it wouldn't otherwise guess

and dd> prosthetic leg? :lol: we think of such random things...

prox> not only did it get dinosaur, it got brontosaurus in 16, which i was just using as a general dinosaur to answer questions (i.e., does it have four legs). but you're probably aware that brontosauruses don't exist ;)
29 guesses, and it still hasn't guessed "Prosititute".

But I have to admit, it made me laugh hard with it's questions "Can you find it in a church" (to which I had to say "Doubtful") , "Is it usually very colorful", "Can it be used for recreation", and "Is it useful in the dark" :rofl:
heh, I tried it and it was stumped on mouse but it guessed mosquito and pulsar. it took a while for pulsar but only a few questions with mosquito. :p
hm, it got mouse for me in 14 guesses.. i guess it randomized the wrong ones when you did it
This program really surprises me. I'll get to about 18 questions, and it still hasn't guessed it, and moreover, is asking seemingly unrelated questions, and then out of left field completely it will just "guess" exactly what i was thinking of. and it's not like given the simple yes or no questions, i can't think of similar objects to fit the descriptions. I am very veyr impressed. As for mouse, did you guys do the animal or computer version?

alright. perhaps it's time to quickly revoke what I said about being so impressed in that last post.

you guys tell *me* whether you think that given the answers to the questions in this particular 20 Questions session, the AI made a "wise first guess" after 18 guesses...


bratwurst? I don't even want to understand how it thought that was a keen assumption.
i did both versions of mouse, but the one i was referring to was the animal

what were you trying to get it to guess there? the only one of those questions that really doesn't have anything to do with bratwurst is electricity :confused:
I'm in the process of stumping it with "shaving cream", and it came up with this:
I am guessing that it is a poop(faeces)?
Yes , No , Close

I just got it with homework . . . something i wont be doing much of after tomarrow ;)
:lol: @ dan

it got homework when i tried it, it must be learning.. but it gave me this:

Uncommon Knowledge about homework
Does it have legs? I say Probably.
Does it have big ears? I say Probably.
Can you walk on it? I say Yes.
Is it alive? I say Probably.
Is it living? I say Probably.
Is it lifeless? I say No.
Is it lumpy? I say Probably.
Does it have a sense of smell? I say Probably.
Does it have a tail? I say Probably.
Does it usually hunt for food at night? I say Probably.
Can it live out of water? I say Probably.
Can it be used to put things together? I say Probably.
Is it fuzzy? I say Probably.
Is it bad for your health? I say Yes.
Does it have roots? I say Yes.
Does it have paws? I say Probably.

:lol: that is some very uncommon knowledge about homework!