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Super Bowl ad - Tim Tebow - Controversial Subject


It's certainly much better to kick **** than to be
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I was just reading in our local paper about a "controversial" ad that will be airing during the Super Bowl. Seeing as I live under a rock when it comes to pretty much all sports I googled for more information.

CBS (yes, I had to correct my typo as I typed CVS first:giggles:) will air an ad from Focus on Family featuring Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow and his mom. Long story short, when she was pregnant with him she became ill and doctors suggested an abortion. She refused. Gloria Allred and other feminist groups are all up in arms about this saying it's intruding on a game that's supposed to unite the country, not divide it. :surrender:

Here's a few links to the story:

I'm including the second one because even though it has a spin against the ad, it does include an update at the bottom that discredits Allred's claim.

Not surprising to anyone who's read some of my previous posts, I think it's great that this young athlete is willing to take a stand on a controversial issue and I'm glad that CBS (****, typed CVS again) is airing it.
I am Pro-Choice for others and Pro-Life for MYSELF (I feel everyone has a right to make the choice for themselves, JMO, but do not agree to using abortion as birth contol either... )... I must say it is kinda weird to be airing a commercial about it during the Superbowl... where is the relation to football?? That he is a player?? I don't think people will be thinking such DEEP things during a football game... JMO!
Since CBS denied a UCC ad a few years ago where they talked about how they welcome anyone because it was too controversial. How is this less controversial? I think if they reject one, they reject all that deal with morality.
Not to mention the COST of running a commercial DURING the Bowl. I think their funds would have been used better elsewhere... maybe put ads Magazines, brochures, educational videos for HS students, etc. etc.......
I am Pro-Choice for others and Pro-Life for MYSELF (I feel everyone has a right to make the choice for themselves, JMO, but do not agree to using abortion as birth contol either... )... I must say it is kinda weird to be airing a commercial about it during the Superbowl... where is the relation to football?? That he is a player?? I don't think people will be thinking such DEEP things during a football game... JMO!

Do all ads that air during a show need to be connected to the subject of the show itself? They're just trying to get their message out to the largest audience possible.
I heard something on NPR about this ad over the weekend--one factor in it airing this year is that a number of regular advertisers are not buying space this year to save money...
I mean USUALLY they are.... again I am not AGAINST the idea or commercial.... just think it's odd to play during the Bowl. Most people are drinking and having a good time and that is a pretty serious subject... like I said in my second post. I think the cost would have been better spent elsewhere. JMO
Not to mention the COST of running a commercial DURING the Bowl. I think their funds would have been used better elsewhere... maybe put ads Magazines, brochures, educational videos for HS students, etc. etc.......

I believe I heard that when they came up with the idea for the commercial a bunch of benefactors came onboard with donations that were so large that it only took a couple of people to fund it. I don't think it used their regular funds. I really have no opinion...kind of live by the same standard as Mrs.Piggy....pro-choice for other people and pro-life for myself.
ITA with MrsPiggy.

Pro-choice for others, but only pro-life for me.

And it is a weird choice, but you have to admit it is one of the largest audiences that actually sit and watch the commercials. How many other shows have people that watch the commercials and take breaks while the show is on?
I am Pro-Choice, but regardless, I believe when someone can stand up and proudly state what they stand for.....I am all for it.
ITA with MrsPiggy.

Pro-choice for others, but only pro-life for me.

And it is a weird choice, but you have to admit it is one of the largest audiences that actually sit and watch the commercials. How many other shows have people that watch the commercials and take breaks while the show is on?

Exactly - and to have someone young and a part of the sport in the ad may get the attention of some younger people who may not have paid any attention otherwise.
Exactly - and to have someone young and a part of the sport in the ad may get the attention of some younger people who may not have paid any attention otherwise.

Agreed....maybe the younger audience will get something out of it and think about this subject in a different light. I just see this commercial as celebrating life and don't think it's that controversial. It's not like they're showing aborted fetuses or something.....that I would definitely not agree with.
Definitely Pro-choice. I also like the right of free speech. I may not like the message, but definitely like the idea of being able to discuss controversial matters.
They're just trying to get their message out to the largest audience possible.

And it is a weird choice, but you have to admit it is one of the largest audiences that actually sit and watch the commercials. How many other shows have people that watch the commercials and take breaks while the show is on?

This is true... MANY people watch the Superbowl so it will reach many...
I agree with Mrs Piggy 100%. I'm pro choice but pro life when it came to me. 3 Drs warned me not to have any more children stating either the baby, me or both would die but I proved them wrong twice. I have 6 adult children.
My mother was told when she was 7 months pregnant to go to Cook County hospital because I wasn't alive, she switched doctors.
My sister had a friend who had 3 abortions which ticked me off. I still don't understand why they didn't use some form of birth control. But who am I to judge?
As far as the commercial, there will always be someone who doesn't agree with something. To each his/her own.
I think it's a silly commercial, but don't really care about it. I'm prochoice. If people can decide not to get treatment for a ton of things and basically die because of it, who am I to tell them what to do with their bodies? As long as it's a well thought out decision whichever way, it's their right.

I'll be damned if someone can tell me what to do and when to do it without my consent.

But if they can run viagra commercials and all those pee commercials, then I don't care about this one either.