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Superman: Man of Steel

Saw it last night, was really good. A bit too much special effects with the destruction, but the story was good.
I saw the movie and I wasn't impressed one bit by it... It looked like a sorry excuse for a movie,, I don't understand hollywood's obsession towards saving the world, looking at the number of movies they've made with this plot.. Though each had different heroes,villians, different scenarios, different premises plot remained the same in addition to over the top action and CGI. When there are batmans,spidermans doing the job of being a savior I wonder whats the need for another superman... 20 fine movies could have been with the ridiculous amount of money they've spent on this garbage..... The only positive I could see is the underplayed perfomance which our indian actors need to learn..
Omg i am going to see it tomorrow and i read a negative remark :(
I too saw the movie wasn't impressed much, fight sequences were good but the storyline was not that good. I think they could have thought better and taken it.
I have seen it. It was quite good actually. I plan on watching it again when it's on DVD. I would rate it a 8.5/10. It's funny because I have a superman cup right next to me. :D

I went to watch it with some friends. :)
watcing superman

i watched superman and it was different from what i expected. i was so used to the old superman him being a journalist. but that story put a spin on it. i really liked the actor that played him. ii loved the special effects. i saw it in 3d it was almost like virtual reality. it was cool. i would say new age.:wink:

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Well, I watched it and i liked it. Lets Face It! Superman's story is as old as time and making a movie about superman has its own downfall, everyone knows everything about superman. I think the story was very well adapted to the current time and for the first time in any superman movie that i have seen, it atleast tried to induce us with superman's dilemma and struggle.
Add all these to Hans Zimmer's music, i would say that they did a very good movie considering the constraints......