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Mastermind Talker
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I you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Hmm tough question... Probably the power to read peoples minds though.. I would like to know what people actually think of me and what people are actually thinking. I find now in days a lot of people are fake and say what they don't mean and basically pretend a lot. I would really like to know what people are actually thinking and see if they actually really mean what they say.

So if I could have any superpower, it would be to read peoples minds =)
Very interesting thread I must say ^.^;
I think mine would be reading peoples minds, although i am well aware that i'd go insane
If you had mind control you wouldn't need invisibility since you'd have everyone bending (huehuehue) to your will already.
I'd like to shapeshift. That'd give me a ton of different abilities I don't have now. Flight, super-strength, stealth...
To be capable of knowing the immediate future.
I just want to be able to cast powerful magic spells to destroy things and people. :p
Invisibility and/or Immediate lighting strike effect if anyone pisses me off :cool:
Time Travel.

Ever sat there, thinking about past events and thinking - I wish I'd done that differently. That you wish you could go back, and change it? There are so many things I wish had never happened to me, and I could do just that.

However, I suppose part of growing up is to stop wishing you could change your past, and to instead learn from your mistakes.

Another one I'd love is teleportation. Someone halfway across the world that you feel really fond of? You just teleport, and hey, you're there. I'd like that.

Also, I'd totally love moustache growing powers.
Man I'd hate to be able to read people's thoughts, sure you'd be able to tell when someone was lying to you, but what if it was a white lie to spare your feelings? :S

I think I'd like to be able to teleport, or slow/stop time. Either would be awesome