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Taking your phone to toilet


Chief Talker
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London, UK
How many of you take your phone into the bathroom? DO you make sure to take it all the time? What do you do with it :lol:?
Did it once or thrice. One time my phone almost fell on the toilet bowl, since then I never did it again.
Its always in my pocket, so yeah.. :p
LOL, I often bring it to bathroom and play music to accompany me and my bath session. Or if I really need to do something serious meanwhile or is just too bored. Fortunately it never fell in the bathroom so I still feel safe now. XD
I hate to admit it but I do take my phone to the restroom almost every time. I typically check sports scores, Facebook and check weather.
Alycium said:
I hate to admit it but I do take my phone to the restroom almost every time.  I typically check sports scores, Facebook and check weather.

It's okay, sometimes activity at toilet takes too much time and you can get bored quickly. :rofl:
ChromeProducts said:
If I don't take it with me I will feel so alone haha.

But what exactly did you do with it? :lol:

I took a bath with phone playing musics today. So much fun. :rofl:
Always take my phone to the toilet. Usually go on social networking sites, check football scores or play games
My phone pretty much goes everywhere with me. It's even funny when I forget I took it to the bathroom and I leave it on the sink and then I wind up freaking out when I cant find it.
sometimes, depends on what im going into the bathroom to do, if im going in to sit then i leave it out of the bathroom, if im showering i take it with me for music.
I never take my phone with me to the bathroom. Whether someone is texting me or trying to call me, it can wait till I get done using the bathroom.
I literally chuckled at this thread. Yes, I take the phone with me to the bathroom all the time. Depending on whether or not I'm doing number one or number two, I may browse Facebook, play my games or whatever. My husband always seems to call me at the most unopportune times too LOL
I don't take my phone into the bathroom unless it's just in my pants pocket. I know too many people who've dropped theirs in. There's really nothing I need to do so badly that I have to use my phone while going. Maybe someday that'll change, or maybe not.
never, if I'm in the bathroom then I will be near water (don't want the phone to get wet) or doing something that is not sanitary.