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**** Talk - I need some relief for my rack


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I have a one month old who doesn't nurse, so I'm pumping every 3 hours. My boobs are KILLING ME. Besides the cream to put on them, does anyone have any suggestions to relieve the pain or to make it easier? Anything would be appreciated!! Thanks ya'll, I don't want to give up, he's so worth the pain but I would love to make it easier! :)
do you want to nurse or are you trying to dry up?
Neither, gonna keep pumping because I go back to work next week. I need to keep pumping, but am in serious pain.
If you are engorged, hot showers, ice packs and cold cabbage leaves. When you pump try to relax, hold the baby's pjs or blanket so that you let down quickly. don't give up!
Squeeze em out in the shower or a towel when engorged!

Gotta get the milk out!!!!!!

Pump for 30 - 40 min on each breast (empty them) - RELAX & your milk will come out easier.
I used to pump with my child next to me or even pump one side while nursing the other. Relax and I hope you have a GOOD pump! Mine worked great for the first but not so well after about a month with the second. Good Luck
Soothies. They're little gel pad type things. They work wonders.
I pumped "Full-Time" for over a year (only nursed at night), so understand what you are going through.

Is it your breast that is hurting, or the nipples? (or both).

If it is the breast, then it sounds like you are not getting all the milk out, or maybe you have a clogged duct. Be sure to pump until they are empty. I pumped just one side at a time, and massaged (ok, it was really squeezed) my breast to ensure all the ducts were emptied. As a point of reference, one side took me about 25-30 minutes (with electric pump), and I produced/pumped between 5 to 8 ounces of milk every 4 hours. After you pump, your breasts should feel better, and when you feel that "pressure" again, just pump again.

If it is your nipples that are hurting, then it may be your shield is too small. Having a shield too small will cause irritation as they are "sucked" into the cylinder, and make your nipples feel like they are chapped. If this is the case, you can buy larger sized shields. Check with your manufacturer for their sizing options. If you have a Medela, they have a helpful informational line where you can speak to someone who can give you advise on the correct size for you.

Good luck! The first few weeks are the hardest, since your body is trying to figure out how much milk to produce for your hungry little one.
Soak the breast in warm water for 10-15 min, then massage and pump or express the milk by hand. It takes some contorting, but it feels so good when you are hurting and the milk comes easier. Soaking a rag in really warm water and wrapping the breast in it helps too, but not as well, and it's a pain to try and keep the rag warm. I have had so many plugged ducts, but never mastitis -- treating them quickly with this method always worked for me.
Oh, and you would find a lot of support and help from your local la leche league... you can probably find a local chapter here and contacts:
No advice to add...just encouragement! What a great commitment you've made for your sweet baby - keep up the great work! It sometimes is a rough road but what a fabulous start you've made so far. :cartwheel:
I was in a lot of pain for about 8 weeks.....due to cracked nipples.

Start or continue to use the cream, if that is your problem....It just took a really, really long time to heal due to constant "USE"
A good pump is really important. I used the Medela Pump-in-Style for my now 9 year old and we nursed/pumped until he was 18 mos. I was working full-time. Took about 15 minutes (pumping both at once) to get 8-10 ounces. It seems like a huge investment, and it is upfront, but compared to the cost of formula, it's a huge savings and so much better for your baby!
A good pump is really important. I used the Medela Pump-in-Style for my now 9 year old and we nursed/pumped until he was 18 mos. I was working full-time. Took about 15 minutes (pumping both at once) to get 8-10 ounces. It seems like a huge investment, and it is upfront, but compared to the cost of formula, it's a huge savings and so much better for your baby!

I am jealous. I have a hospital grade pump (I rent it for $50 a month), pump for 10-15 minutes for 2 oz. That is pumping both sides. I keep trying and think I may try to nurse/pump every 2-3 hours this weekend to see if I can boost the supply. I am considering weaning.
I am considering weaning.

Hang in there. There's a lot of great nursing advice out there and tips to help production. Good luck.
I am jealous. I have a hospital grade pump (I rent it for $50 a month), pump for 10-15 minutes for 2 oz. That is pumping both sides. I keep trying and think I may try to nurse/pump every 2-3 hours this weekend to see if I can boost the supply. I am considering weaning.

Oh Chris, I"m sorry that you're having so much trouble. How old is Dorothy now? I hope you can get your supply back up.

I stayed home with DS2 for only 6 weeks and pumped until he was 6 months, when my milk was getting so low and the doctor said he was not gaining enough weight. Sad decision....but was so frustrating and hard to keep pumping all the time for barely anything.
Oh Chris, I"m sorry that you're having so much trouble. How old is Dorothy now? I hope you can get your supply back up.

I stayed home with DS2 for only 6 weeks and pumped until he was 6 months, when my milk was getting so low and the doctor said he was not gaining enough weight. Sad decision....but was so frustrating and hard to keep pumping all the time for barely anything.

She is 5 months. We supplement with formula and the doc says she looks great. She has been a combo of formula and breastmilk since she was newborn. I had supply issues with my first. I would have weaned her by now if she wasn't such a good nurser. My first was a terrible nurser and it was a relief to wean him.

I just can't seem to bring myself to wean her. I think it is because she is my last one.
I am jealous. I have a hospital grade pump (I rent it for $50 a month), pump for 10-15 minutes for 2 oz. That is pumping both sides. I keep trying and think I may try to nurse/pump every 2-3 hours this weekend to see if I can boost the supply. I am considering weaning.

Some people just don't get as much when they pump as others. Even if you only get a few ounces, it may be worth it to keep pumping, since it will make it easier to nurse when you're with Dorothy. And every ounce she gets when you're away helps too.

A nursing/ pumping marathon this weekend is a good idea, especially if that will be your main activity. Try to take it easy otherwise.

Pumping is a huge chore sometimes! I worked while my five oldest were little & sometimes it seemed that I'd never be finished with the pumping/ storing/ parts cleaning routine. But I was able to nurse all of them for at least a year so it was worth it for me.