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Tampons or pads?


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London, UK.
I use pads.. I tried using tampons and I just didn't like it.
i usually use pads but when i need to go out or something i use tampons
Tampons if I'm going out anywhere, pads if I'm home for the day.
Don't really like pads, they're uncomfortable. Feels like I'm in a nappy..
Tampons all day, every day.
Pads at night (I also use tampons as well during my heavy times)
Normally I wouldn't be posting in here for obvious reasons, but I've honestly read through so much **** about safe sex and related topics for both men and women that I'd prefer to give more info on something like this. Toxic Shock Syndrome is rare enough that you shouldn't be worrying about it with tampon use unless you're leaving them in for hours on end.

Less absorbent tampons are far less likely to give you it, and risks are extremely small as long as you don't leave one in for more than 6-8 hours. It's a personal choice whether you use tampons or pads, but you needn't fear TSS as long as you're using things properly.

scurries back into quiet man-forum
Pads. I bleed too much for tampons. Last time I tried to put one in, it was totally soaked before I even got it all the way in.
Not to mention it hurt like a **** mothering son of a ****ing **** to even try to put it in. If I were going to use tampons, I'd need small ones, but I bleed way too much for those.
Also I'm extra super sensitive to pain down there (it's not just my uterus killing me, no, I feel pain in my vaginal opening too - always have, more or less) during my period so tampons are nowhere near worth the pain, effort, and discomfort.

So I just get larger pads with wings that are pretty absorbent. About the only issue I have with them is that after you've worn them for a few days then your skin gets irritated and even when you change them it still smells pretty rank. Then again, maybe that's just me, when I'm on my period I smell like I've been living in a dumpster my whole life.

But also pads are good because my bladder control is pretty ****ty when I'm on my period (I really don't know why either) so sometimes when I get up to go to the bathroom I urinate and can't control it much. If I wore tampons my underwear would get soaked, but with pads it's all good because they're really absorbent. Okay, maybe that was TMI but I'm basically incontinent when on my period so pads are highly beneficial... because I'd run out of underwear so fast otherwise, then I'd be up a creek.

So, yeah, pads.
I understand that but seeing as the risk is less for pads I feel better using them :p

Also to add onto Antigone's post; my periods can be too heavy for tampons. They're more often than not capable of making having to change pads every hour sometimes. I'd feel more secure wearing pads in terms of leakage too <_>
Pads. I never got the hang of tampons. I'd always put them in wrong LOL. My periods are really light anyways because I work out a lot.
I was brought up using pads, and I have never strayed away from doing so. I do admit that I have tried a tampon on occasion but I could never get it to insert properly. Also, I found them to be very uncomfortable. So I never got into the process of using them even if pads didn't always give me the amount of protection that I needed.
I prefer tampons, because I feel like having blood just sitting there in my panties for hours isn't very sanitary. I know it being inside you doesn't make it any better, but not seeing it makes me feel better!
I feel like tampons make me more crampy.
And besides, it doesn't feel good having my blood all clogged up inside of my vagina.
I'd rather have it flow out naturally like it's meant to.

I prefer to use cloth pads versus those disposable ones you get in the drug store. Though, I do use the disposable ones sometimes.
They're more comfortable than tampons. And I always leaked when I had tampons in.
I like the comfort tampons bring. I'm an active outdoor girl so pads would be more a hindrance than anything.
Not looking forward to the several weeks of wearing huge **** frozen thunder pads after giving birth. o_O
pads all the way !!!!!!!!!
i get extremely agitated if i feel as if theres blood stuck up there so tampons are a no go

...and honestly, tampons make me feel like theres a snake coming out of my vag LMFAO
REALLY girls? I cannot actually believe that anybody would prefer pads over tampons. When I am on my period, I don't want to feel like I am or be reminded that I am. The pain in my back and my stomach is enough. I used to wear pads when I first started at the age of 9, but that was because my mother was an sanitary towel user all her life, and all of her sisters did the same. She didn't know anything about tampons at all. My older sister and I were the first ones to ever experiment with tampons. I have never looked back since. I HATE feeling the blood pour out of me. It is so uncomfortable and wet and warm, and just really unpleasant. Tampons all day every day. Granted, I hate having to change them, but one little bit of unpleasantness beats out five days of feeling life force pouring out of my vagina, without me being able to control it. I feel so out of control when that happens. It is truly awful. Tampons all the way.

having said that, tampons have been said to increase the risk of all kinds of vaginal problems, but it is a risk that I am more than willing to take.
tampons FTW. only ever use pads if i know i'm going to be somewhere for a long time with no chance to change a tampon for hours.