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tattoos & piercings


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Does anyone on here besides me have any tattoos/piercings? If so, what and where, and do you plan on getting more? I have a butterfly on my lower back (#1) and a Chinese dragon on my right shoulder (#2..that one hurt like a B*TCH!). I found some Japanese characters (I forget the actual dialect name) that mean..darn it, I can never remember the word when I want to. It starts with a "P" and..wait. Got it. Perseverance. I either want that on the back of my neck, way up in the hairline or beside my dragon. As for piercings, I have three holes in each ear with the little hoops you get a tattoo/piercing parlors, a barbell through the cartilege in my right ear, and a barbell with a jeweled flower in my belly button. I think I'm about all pierced out now.
Don't have either but I've always wanted to get a tattoo. I like the japanese letters tat, that is cool. A friend of mine got his wife's name in japanese going down his right leg. I could never decide on a tat that I would want especially since if I get I don't ever plan on removing it. Still searching though.
Yes, I have a navel piercing, but that's all. This way, when I am older and/or pregnant, I can just get it removed whereas, the tatoo I would be stuck with.
My Left earlobe is pierced...and as soon as the paper dries, I'll have a really cool tatoo of a sword entwined with a small dragon...watch out ladies, I'm bad.


" I'll take 'the-rapist' for $200, Alex "
I've got a dragon on my right calf that my hubby drew and a a frog on my left upper arm. The only piercings I have are my ears but I want my eyebrow done possibly.
I've only got my left earlobe pierced. I've debated getting a tattoo - either a tribal tattoo or a Japanese character - but I can't find exactly what I want, not can I decide where on my person I'd like it.

My knob tastes funny.
I used to have my tongue pierced. My right ear used to be pierced 6 times and my left 5. No tats, though. I wouldn't mind having my belly button pierced, though.

I have to say I don't picture mth with tats or piercings. I picture her as some wholesome goody goody kind of person...

I don't picture poss with an earing or a tat either.
"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience."

- Woodrow Wilson
i can't picture poss w/a tat - no way

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
taz, i used to be a goody-goody. Then I started going out with this guy my parents hated with a passion, so naturally, the more they went against what he said/did, the more I wanted to do it. He knew I'd always wanted a tattoo, so he encouraged me to get it. I've always wanted to get my tongue pierced, too, but too many people would yell at me. Besides, I already broke my promise about tattoos; I really shouldn't break the one about tongue rings.

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. - Calvin
Nothin here. I have thought about it and decided that i just didnt want anything right now. I have no plans ot ever pierce anything. As for tattoo's i dont know but i will probably never get one.

uh yeah . . .
spiderg, taz - just out of curiosity, why can't you picture me with a tattoo? It's that stupid wholesome image I project, isn't it...ughh, I've *got* to find a way to get rid of that...

My knob tastes funny.
I just decided that I am *NOT* under *ANY* circumstances getting perseverance in Japanese characters as my next tattoo. I was going through my old poetry, and I found a poem about a horrible, horrible ex entitled, you got it, "Perseverance." That just soured me to the whole idea of it >

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. - Calvin
Because it'd make you *look* gruff, poss, when we all know you're anything but.

Big bad boys get tats and that you are not.

"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience."

- Woodrow Wilson
poss, i guess that's true, even though i don't want you to change into a ruff and gruff biker dude poss

not that i have anything against biker dudes, but i like poss the way he is and don't want him to change.

and i'm sure you'd look good w/a tat. i just can't picture you w/one.

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
Well ....

I have 2 tattoos - one on my right shoulder, hurt like hell. It's a chinese character meaning 'myself'. The other is on the small of my back, and is the female symbol with an azalea in the middle (the azalea is the chinese symbol of womanhood). I designed that one myself.

I'd really like the triple moon as a tattoo, but I can't decide where I'd like it .....

I have my navel pierced, I used to have my nose pierced (my parents loved it when I graduated from university with a ring in my nose!) and I have 1 earring in the top of my right ear.
well i have my two tattoos, which blend into one mostly. i like to think of them as two.

it's the eye of horace, the sun, and a scarab (bettle).

then annubis laying out on his belly. ;)

to put it simply, these are egyption symbols of protection in the afterlife.


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nah. costs too much, fades too fast, unneccessary pain/itching/lotioning. i'd rather just get another tatoo.
Coloring them in is the worst part. I want another, but it has to be perfect, I'm going to have my children's names in it. I'm thinking maybe an angel with devil horns and the devil tail, to depict the true nature of my kids, but I'm not quite sure yet.