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tattoos & piercings

Originally posted by kezzer
Coloring them in is the worst part. I want another, but it has to be perfect, I'm going to have my children's names in it. I'm thinking maybe an angel with devil horns and the devil tail, to depict the true nature of my kids, but I'm not quite sure yet.

i could quite imagine that it would be the worst part. some of the thicker lines really sucks. and they scab more. and those scabs stay more. and i cant stand it and i pick at it and pull out the color :( yes, i really did do this at one spot :(
I had my 2nd one (the one with the azalea) coloured in and I can tell you that did not hurt as much as having the lines done on the first one - that was worse than ... worse than ....... ummm .... having 400 hundred stitches pulled out

(I really did have that done :( )
yeouchies daj!

i'm guessing that whatever caused you to get 400 stitches was pretty painful too, no?
Originally posted by SwissSmiss
yeouchies daj!

i'm guessing that whatever caused you to get 400 stitches was pretty painful too, no?

it was ummmm .... interesting lol :rolleyes:


OK, I'm getting to the point now where I have to get my next tattoo. The idea has stopped rattling around in my head and has begun knawing (sp?) away at it instead.

So, I want the triple moon symbol - you know :


(but done properly, not like above, which was just to make sure you knew what I was on about!) but I can't decide where it should go. I already have one at the base of my spine and one on my right shoulder. Any ideas?
Well, I don't have any at the moment, But I'm going to be getting a tatoo soon. I'm getting "The forever shogun" in Hiragana and Kanji down my spine.
Also thinking of growing my hair long, but that's only a maybe, cos it can get in the way of Martial Arts teaching, when you try to breakfall, and almost rip the hair out of your scalp...
BTW, I'm trained as a Jujitsu Sensei, and a Capoeira Sempai.
I'm what you describe as a Multi-talented geek. I do martial arts for fun, and now teach at the local FuDoShin Dojo. (BTW, FuDoShin approximately translates from a mixture of Japanese and Chinese to "The way of the mind and spirit")

Daj, what about your ankle? That's where I'm going for my next one..prolly the back of my neck, too. I have tattoos in the same places as you ;)
Originally posted by dajeil

it was ummmm .... interesting lol :rolleyes:


OK, I'm getting to the point now where I have to get my next tattoo. The idea has stopped rattling around in my head and has begun knawing (sp?) away at it instead.

So, I want the triple moon symbol - you know :


(but done properly, not like above, which was just to make sure you knew what I was on about!) but I can't decide where it should go. I already have one at the base of my spine and one on my right shoulder. Any ideas?

how about on your right cheek. and not your butt!

i think i need more caffiene. i'm not making sense yet, am i?
On my ankle? One word for that: OUCH!!!!

lol, did I mention that I'm a wimp when it comes to pain?

hmn as far as my cheek or neck goes, since I'm a teacher, I kinda have to keep them out of sight.

I really want this one though, but I'm soooo picky about where it wil go!
bah! they will love it! ;)

besides, i can't believe they are letting people like YOU teach our children! :lol:
and just wtf does that mean????????? ;) lol

anyway .... the kids at school have seen the one on my back loads of times, but I think the Headmaster would draw the line at me having one on my neck! specially since I have cropped hair lol
so what kinda place do you teach? hogwarts? ;)

seriously, what do you teach?
Well, would you believe, I teach Religious Studies?

In the UK, that means I teach Christianity, Sikhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and Buddhism, as well as Philosophy and Ethics.

No Paganism though :rolleyes: (The government would have a sh*t fit if they thought someone was teaching Paganism lol). The kids don't know I'm a Pagan and I can't tell them because the parents would not be happy about it at all. As it is the parants think I'm a good RS teacher, which is just as well as I'm Head of Department lol.
mm all i have is a tongue piercing and my earlobes.

i've got a couple tattoos. got my first one when i was 16 on st.mark's in nyc. in total i have 12. a couple on my ankles
and several on my back, none of them too big.

this one is my favourite though, i got it in thailand.

I plan to get a tattoo fairly soon.
Of.. A trumpet!! :D Who would've guessed? hehehe. But yea, either where our newbie teaz0r has one, or on my upper right arm. Dunno yet, but yea. :) People always say "Why ruin a perfectly good body buy cutting open the skin and put in ink?" All I can do is think, "Wow, this person doesn't see the value of the individual". :D
But yes, and if I march any Drum Corps, I'm going to get a tattoo of each one (the Corps symbols) on my left arm. :)
I recently got my left ear pierced on the upper rear rim... Early february. It's still sore; but it's definitely getting better :) I like the way it looks on me - I have a Haematite coloured ring with a ball closure in it. Once it's fully healed, I'm going to use a discreet post earring for work...
I'm up to six tattoos and eleven piercings. My back is somewhere between 1/2 and 2/3 covered, and I've got the two tattoos planeed to make it a full back piece. I just need the money and the artist. Well, and someone to draw one of them out. I told Justin that by the time I die, I'm going to have a full body suit ;)
I have my bellybutton pierced. I also have multiple piercings on both ears ((3 on right, 2 on left)
mth, any updated pics of your back? last I saw, you had a lovely vine type thing, butterflies and chinese symbols. I'd love to see what it looks like now :)
Originally posted by doritogrl87
I have my bellybutton pierced.

i would consider this. hubby's been trying to talk me into it lately :D
Originally posted by KNSinatra
mth, any updated pics of your back? last I saw, you had a lovely vine type thing, butterflies and chinese symbols. I'd love to see what it looks like now :)

My back is still the same - dragon, vine, butterfly, two different kanjis. I don't know any of the tattooers around here; plus, I don't have the money for anything big right now :/

I do, however, have one on my left wrist now. It's a little bit fuzzy, but here it is.

I'm also seriously considering taking out the tongue and cartilage rings and putting normal earrings back in. I kinda like the idea of being a more "undercover" freak ;)