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The Alphabet Movie Game

What movies do you like watching best?

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Jurrasic Park (I'm sorry for digressing, Mairin, but I have to tell you this story. One of my friends was playing a movie game at a party one night, and it was similar to this, except everyone had to choose a movie starting with the same letter. They got to the letter "D" and as the titles were announced, the movie my friend Rhea thought of wasn't mentioned, even though it was a famous one. The round-robin continued--"Desperado", "Damnation Alley", "Die! Die! My Darling"--and she couldn't believe they hadn't thought of this movie! When it got to be her turn, she took a long drag off her cigarette, and said, all superior,--"I can't believe you guys missed this one. Durrasic Park."
--To this day it remains my favorite story to tell about my wonderful friend.)

That is a hilarious story!! I'm sure she'll always be remembered for that!! LOL. It reminds me of a really hot day that was supposed to get over 100 degrees and my grandfather called and said, "Stay cool today we are going to be in the double digits!!" To this day I always remind him of that.
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