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The Derailed Thread

Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

Chartbusterette said:
Is this going to get personal? (emphasis mine) Ad hominem arguments help no one.

You need to take a step back and let go of your hatred. It does you no credit.

You should take a step back and learn the difference between anger and hatred.
I can't hate someone I don't even know - but, I can be angry as hell about what they say and do.

One more thing - you've asked someone to prove a negative. That's a logical fallacy.

So is the notion of someone proving themselves legit with a "voluntary audit."

Pity you can't practice what you preach.
Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

JoeChartreuse said:
2) The Gem series is unlicensed in the U.S., and therefore open to litigation. I'm don't know why this is hard for you, but most understand that lack of licensing is a bad thing.....

To be specific Joe, there is no such thing as an "un-license." The real issue is: "are they prohibited from bring these products licensed elsewhere back in to the United States?"

Even that is not enough. Next comes:

1.) If that does violate their existing UK license - is there any interested party who would act on it?
2.) Do the use of various company formations to handle the product (Slep Tone, SoundChoice, etc.) effectively cricumvent such prohibitions?

There simply may be nothing of value in the notion of them being "un-licensed."
Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

Bazza said:
1) LOL...OK Joe. That seems to be your patent excuse whenever something you say is is questioned or debated these days. "Out of Context", "Go re-read", "Comprehension difficulties", "You prove ME wrong", etc. Seems you have taken a page from Thunders book. :laughpill:

2) But it is licensed. The parties have been paid.

3) A writer who continually blames his readers for not comprehending his intent, needs to improve his writing abilities.

4) I have no idea. Neither do you, which is my point.

1) Really? I rarely bring comprehennsion up, except with you and Mantis these days. No one else seems to have a problem. Even Thunder comprehended- though ignored...

2) Nope- NOT licensed in the U.S.- and how do you know who has been paid? U.K licensing is invalid here, and that licensing pays none of the U.S. based artists. Even if they HAD U.S. licensing - and Kurt SAYS that they don't- all of the U.S. based "artist organizations" are constantly being sued because THEY aren't paying the parties either.

3) See #1

4) What point is that? If SC has somehow sold all of their stock ( not a chance, but just saying...) Then they are out of the karaoke business, right? Not licensed here in the U.S., no more available from overseas. Done. An ex-player. History.
Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

JoeChartreuse said:
No one else seems to have a problem. Even Thunder comprehended- though ignored...

Really, Really. You are confusing comprehension with disagreement. You assume that you are 100% correct and therefor anyone not agreeing with you must simply not comprehend what you are saying.

JoeChartreuse said:
U.K licensing is invalid here, and that licensing pays none of the U.S. based artists.

LOL. Oh really? NONE of the "US based artists" are paid in the GEM series? How exactly do you know this?

JoeChartreuse said:

See reply to #1

JoeChartreuse said:
What point is that? If SC has somehow sold all of their stock ( not a chance, but just saying...) Then they are out of the karaoke business, right? Not licensed here in the U.S., no more available from overseas. Done. An ex-player. History.

The point is you don't know. You are guessing and speculating. Everyone also said they were "Out of the business" before the GEM series came along, yet here they are.
Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

Bazza said:
The point is you don't know. You are guessing and speculating. Everyone also said they were "Out of the business" before the GEM series came along, yet here they are.
Really? Coercing and extorting sales of a somewhat redundant and "unlicensed" product is considered still "in business"?
Coulda fooled me!
Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

Bazza said:
The point is you don't know. You are guessing and speculating. Everyone also said they were "Out of the business" before the GEM series came along, yet here they are.

The rest of the stuff is ping pong, but the above is actually a gimme. I'll re-state:

SC can no longer bring their discs in from overseas. They aren't allowed to make them here, so no new releases- no U.S. licensing. If and when the current stock is depleted, they have nothing left to sell here. They're done. The only option that they might use is the one I expect them to use- rent an office offshore, and sell downloads ( which aren't licensed in the U.S. for pro use).

No longer a player. Do you see other options?
Of course, this gives them more leeway to do as they please, because they really no longer have to worry about maintaining a customer base.
Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

JoeChartreuse said:
U.K licensing is invalid here, and that licensing pays none of the U.S. based artists.

Are you suggesting that by virtue of licensing in the UK, US artists are receiving nothing? Nada? Zip? Do you also believe that UK (or any non-US) artists are being stiffed by US licensing?

I am sure this is due to my inability to comprehend your post, so could you clarify? :winkpill:
Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

Bazza said:
Are you suggesting that by virtue of licensing in the UK, US artists are receiving nothing? Nada? Zip? Do you also believe that UK (or any non-US) artists are being stiffed by US licensing?

I am sure this is due to my inability to comprehend your post, so could you clarify? :winkpill:

Well of COURSE the artists are being stiffed by the licensing agents. They always have been. That's why you see so many of the new artists going independent. But that's a whole other kettle of fish.
Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

Diafel said:
Well of COURSE the artists are being stiffed by the licensing agents. They always have been. That's why you see so many of the new artists going independent. But that's a whole other kettle of fish.

Agreed, but this is apples & oranges and not what Joe was claiming.
Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

If U.S. mfrs. can't be forced to pay the artists, except through suits, what would make you think that the overseas mfrs.- out of U.S. jurisdiction- are paying? Also, how much harder would it be for a U.S. artist to sue and overseas mfr.- again, out of U.S. jurisdiction- to GET payment?

Again, the reason the imports have been stopped, AND the reason overseas licensed downloads can't be used professionally here is that overseas licensing does not meet the requirements of the U.S. licensing laws. They are DIFFERENT, and not all the interested parties that apply here are covered by the UK licensing. For some of the parties there simply is no provision for payment.

Keep in mind that just SOME of the licensing U.S. requirements include:

Recording rights
Fixing Rights ( fixing to media)
SYNCH rights
Commercial rights ( to sell)
Digital rights ( To sell digitally)
Promotional rights
Format shifting rights

Each one of these rights involves payment to someone, as well as that party's cooperation. One reason we have yet to draft a blanket license like the UK's for karaoke products.

Though there are international copyright agreements out there, they do not include the U.S. and it's territories.
Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

Bazza said:
Agreed, but this is apples & oranges and not what Joe was claiming.
Hence my statement, "But that's a whole other kettle of fish."