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The Grocery Game??


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Quad Cities, Illinois
Can you tell me why you would pay for this?? I was talking with someone who told me that she was an awesome grocery super couponer and that she used the GG. I said " you can get that information free". She said "but I save almost 50% on my groceries"..I said "but your spending alot of money to get that list". Does anybody else feel like me?
So I checked GG out and to get the stores in my area it would cost $227.50 a year...what?? That Teri from the GG must be incredible. That's like a month of groceries for me.
Sorry, just venting.
Can you tell me why you would pay for this?? I was talking with someone who told me that she was an awesome grocery super couponer and that she used the GG. I said " you can get that information free". She said "but I save almost 50% on my groceries"..I said "but your spending alot of money to get that list". Does anybody else feel like me?
So I checked GG out and to get the stores in my area it would cost $227.50 a year...what?? That Teri from the GG must be incredible. That's like a month of groceries for me.
Sorry, just venting.

As someone who offers a similar service, I'd say a couple of things to this...

Most people who are just starting couponing are very overwhelmed. Sending them into a forum like this would knock them to the ground, and they'd never get up. Also, from a time standpoint, as many of us know, it takes a tremendous amount of time to figure out deals, work out scenarios, etc., and by being part of a service, it helps people understand how deals work, and how the stores operate. The cost you mentioned above IS high (we don't charge per store, but a monthly fee which is much lower!) but I understand why and how it's useful to others.

Kimberly :)
I know you are right. People want you to tell them the deal, cut their coupons, and sometimes shop for them, too. LOL! I just don't understand how after awhile you wouldn't start to understand the process and be able to do it yourself.
This board tells you way more then GG does and it is free. But as a past GG member blessedgal is completly correct. I was very overwhelmed by GG. I could only image, if I knew nothing about super couponing and coming to this board off the bat! I would have been lost. Some people learn from coupon classes some LEARN the ropes of couponing thru sites such as GG. But once you learn you know better! LOL! :)
I first saw the Grocery Game a few years ago. At that time I was not an ardent coupon user but thought it was a good idea. At that time they only included one or two stores in my area, so it was not really worth the money for me. But it did get me thinking that I could do the same thing on my own and it was that website that really spurred me into using coupons to the extent I do today.
Meh I taught myself the ropes then later found CF then a member there directed me to here. Granted maybe it took longer to learn it all since I taught myself, but frankly now that you're here, you're gold. ;)

ETA: "All" being a primarily non-Jewel shopper. ;)
I know you are right. People want you to tell them the deal, cut their coupons, and sometimes shop for them, too. LOL! I just don't understand how after awhile you wouldn't start to understand the process and be able to do it yourself.

That is 100% true! We (as in my company) do get people who want me to cut their coupons and shop for them. <Grin> But, that's not our service -- we try and educate people, so they can do it themselves. For us, though, our service just changes as people learn to do it, or drop off because they don't want to, but we also have members who have been with us from the beginning because they appreciate the service and the time I save them. I've couponed for 17 years, so sometimes, it's worth the little extra to know that someone is willing to step in and be there to help. I feel very blessed to have the job I have, and to help those that want it. It's an awesome feeling!

And, often... it is tips from you all that help me help others, or help me explain something to someone. So, a big thanks to everyone here! You'd be so proud of the testimonies we get!
This site is worth way more than gold. And a bargain!! I just couldn't thank you guys enough for helping me with this.
my SIL started out using a free month of the grocery game and then canceled before the fee was due it just helped her get started