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The Holidays


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Geez here it is only september and I'm already getting pestered as to where I'll be spending the holidays. I usually spend thanksgiving with my dad but that is kind of suck because we usually go to his inlaws. I can't even visit my grandmother because of my uncle. And christmas will be spent with my mom cauz of my little brother and she feels that I should be with him. But this year both of them want me to spend both holidays with each of them. Arrrgggghhh! I don't even like the holidays. I haven't enjoyed them in years they are more of a pain then anything else. I guess I will not truly enjoy them until I have a family of my own.

"To each his own."

ah-HA - i see we're misbehaving AGAIN tonite eh, BOONE
misbehaving...who me? (Boone attempts to look all innocent)
argh. i know how you feel. we'll be spending them at home this year. i'm not going to anybody's house except MY HOUSE. i've learned my lesson over the years w/this sort of thing. i'm sick of hanging out w/family members who are in bad moods when i'm trying to enjoy the holidays.

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
Ouch! So you are doing the organizing, hosting, cooking, cleaning and will also be the bouncer for when certain family members get out of hand. Do you list *miracle worker* on your resume?
As a kid I loved having the holiday parties at home, but now as an adult I don't think I'd care for it too much. At least when you are visiting there is always an option to escape, when they're at your place...oh brother! Good luck spidey.

btw can I come over for the holidays? I promise I'll behave, boy scout's honor.

"To each his own."

ah-HA - i see we're misbehaving AGAIN tonite eh, BOONE
misbehaving...who me? (Boone attempts to look all innocent)
of course. you can help me and fartman cook. you'd love it - our household is totally *INSANE*.

here's golden rule no. 1 for enjoying the holidays: only invite a select few over to the house.

last year i had my parents, my brother and lil mo; and you know what? we had a great time! awesome food, tons of interesting conversation while relaxing after kids went to bed, etc. need i say more? this is how the holidays are meant to be spent.

golden rule no. 2: all grumpy people can stay home!

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
AND don't forget to bring the time-honored family favorite "polyethelene Carrots"..... Better you than me I always say!
OH, so you remembered *THOSE* eh? okay, so that's one cooking nightmare i'd sooner forget. you brat
you HAD to bring that one up *DIDN'T* you?

and what about the turkey cooked upsidedown? "oh, i meant to do that. it just makes it so MOIST." - yeah, right ...

oh and btw, did you download icq yet, nerd?

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
HEY, remember the one year i cooked a turkey w/the bag of innards intact and you almost puked? - heh

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
That sounds like the time my father first tried making a turkey.
You should have seen him butchering it while trying to cut off the wings.

ah-HA - i see we're misbehaving AGAIN tonite eh, BOONE
misbehaving...who me? (Boone attempts to look all innocent)
I'd like to spend Christmas at my parents, but we'll see...or I wouldlike them to come to NY

"The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too."

- Samuel Butler
God, I just came back from 3 days worth of family. I'm ready to lock myself in my room forever. My aunt acted like something crawled up her **** and died. My cousin decided that I was "too rough" with his child, which I certainly do not understand. Screaming babies and toddlers everywhere. I'm completely avoiding family gatherings except for Christmas, because I don't think it would go over well if I avoided them then. Ugh.

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. - Calvin

My dh quit asking me to go to his family get togethers after he saw first hand what I told him had been going on. Gee, maybe I'm just too "live & let live". They are conform, conform or be outcast. Baaa Baaa goes AAA!
AAA is a little black sheep. Imagine that.

This holiday when we return home I'll only visit the ones I really like.
taz and aaa - you two have the right idea.

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
well, my grandpa died and my mom never really liked her stepmom (my mom's mom died when my mom was 13) or her stepmom's kids (they were REAL nerdy and annoying) so we dropped em.

"The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too."

- Samuel Butler
I"m so glad the only family at my family gatherings is mom, dad, brother, brother's wife and me.

it's beautiful.

We disowned my cousins and the rest of them

"The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too."

- Samuel Butler