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The Meaning of life

NefariousGaz said:
1. i really don't think i'm hot
2. not single, sry..my b/f is how i got into computers

if only more guys thought that cuddling could bring perfect contentment, i find myself avoiding my b/f at times, not because i don't want to see him, but because i don't want to feel obligated to do stuff.

the meaning of life really does apply to religion, especially to some religions. if everyone had the same meaning there wouldn't be a world to live in, the world would be completely mechanical and emotionless. and while at times i could definitely go for that. the few moments of pure happiness i've had make me ok with the people that are apparently here to make me miserable.
That's great, would you like a cookie?

OMG, that is freaky. And btw meaning of life has just about everything to do with religion, lets say muslims. They do everything they can just so they can have a better afterlife so they work there little a$$'s off just for what ...? Religion is messed up and thats why there is violence like all the wars started by religions clashing. I say f'it beacouse if u dont be religious then u can find somthing else in life , like being a computer nerd like most of us, or being a pimp (never kno).
im all do busy dieing for a change i want to live. And i dont belive in any relligon so i dont argee with you there. Relligion is a set of storys to expaint what we dont understand, but thats just how i see it. Im still out there looking for my place in the world and some happyness what ever form its chooses to take.
why don't you try and do something then, i bet between your jobs and your computer you hardly get out at all
I go out on the weekends. Its not that i dont want to go out aww contrair i love to go out... its that the opertunity doesnt arise.
getting someone to care about fills the void pretty well.

without a god to try and meet standards to, the only other thing is to just find someone that you care about who cares about you just as much.

its a gauntlet of emotions, and you always seem to learn something about yourself in relationships that you never knew before.

how many of us can say that we have someone that we trust enough to tell anything to. your deepest thoughts and questions, deep questions that lead people into 6 hour conversations. talk about your future, your plans, and what the purpose of fulfilling those goals are.

I feel a bit lost sometimes, I'm almost 25 and havent gotten my college education out of the way yet. though im aiming for fall '04 this time, very seriously.

I feel that I have wasted my time enough away from school. I couldnt wait to leave when it was over, i didnt want to go to college because I was SO TIRED of the routine.

6 years of drifting from job to job, from home to home. supporting myself and my girlfriend, trying to stay on top of bills. wondering to myself "how is this going to help me build a future?"

yes I really think its time for me to get specialized in school.

hopefully in 5 years I can look back and say "I set a goal, and I acheived it, and now my life is better because of it"
When you first posted this Anthrax, I had no idea it would lead to arguing. Obviously, the meaning of life is to live, have children, die and then have your children carry out the same cycle over and over. I am trying to start spiritual arguments here, but essentially in the Bible, you can interpret it as saying God created the Earth and its inhabitants for his enjoyment so he could watch it grow and prosper/destroy itself.
yea religion does have a strong influence on your outlook on life. I believe there is some stronger being then us but i'm not sure what nor does anyone else. I can not say its a god or what but there has to be something that has more powers than us humans. Even then it doesn't make me change how i do things i don't believe u have to go to church or a mosque or whatever place of worship you may go to. Its merely a place to go with other people of your religion but other than that it does not do a thing. I guess you'd just be good in your life and you will end up in some sort of heaven...makes you wonder if there is a heaven though, people spend their lives trying to live in their god's image so they will go to a greater place when they leave earth....what if there is nothing to go to...what if this is our heaven
i would like a cookie very much thank you

::shivers at picture::

...yea...i know he posted how many posts ago...but i'm kinda slow, forgive me. i would reply to more current posts but i have nothing to argue and i don't totally agree with anthrax's but thats cuz i'm religious, and i'm not up for a religious debate.
My idea is just do what u want and fill the void with whatever is best for you, said and done we dont need a jesus freak vs athiest ppl battle.... do we...?
:) , btw im making a rap song and im putting it in mp3 form so all of u can hear it. No im not serious about it , just trying to have a lil fun and make some too :)
Nice sk8, why not send a demo cd to Simon from American Idol. :p
if i met u in person i'd beat ur white **** sk8 if u started throughin out clan signs and using ebonics
I guess that i don't totaly know what life is about. I aim at doing what I enjoy. I also work toward winning. Not short term victory but long. Since i'm only 17 i still have to use my own gambit and set everything up for later in life so far everything is going very well. And since i'm an ambitious **** this lot goal in life fits me very well.

As far as religion goes (not that i want to hit this topic very much as this wasn't the intent of this thread) I feel that bad stuff happens to allow for free choice. If there was only one choice there would be no free choice. And if nothing bad happened the world would be boring. If there's no chance of losing it wouldn't be any fun when you win (not sure if that made sence).

I also liked Devlir's post. If you think about it does make sence.
i really dont agree. i dont think that there is a real meaning of life, i think that we are born, we do what we want with our lives, then we die. there is no real goal in life as you can always be better, after all no one is perfect.
if you dont have any meaning to life and wasting your life away, join the service and go to war kill some people and mabe someone do the same to you and you wont have to worrrie about the meaning of life.

yeah that was a dumb **** coment..............

but on the real, i think that the meaning of life isn't based on one thing. Its mutipule things that come together at a certain time that make the peicies fall into the right place to see the whole picture. I have no idea what that picture is either cuz i'm still on the search, of somthing.
Im tired of looking i want the picture now but ur right i just think that maby there is another way