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The perfect gift


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Long Grove
My niece woke up on the first day of her 20th birthday in the hospital. By noon, they told her she needed a new heart transplant. The one she received when she was 3 was failing. She wants prayers not to get a new heart since it will mean someone losing a loved one, but to stay healthy until she finds a new heart. They told her she will have to spend 6-9 months in the hospital waiting. She has a heart of gold. For the past 2 Christmas and birthdays, she gave us justgive.org to donate to the charities she supports.
I thought -what would Colleen do? I thought she would get people registered to donate! Did you know there are 114,000 waiting on some type of transplant? You can help by registering here.

My DL is over 6 years old and you can't read the signatures anylonger, so thanks for posting. Your niece sounds like a fantastic person and I hope she is able to find a new heart very soon since we need more people like her in the world!

I had a copy of my desires as an organ donor on file with my family doctor, employer and discussed it with various emergency contacts. My auntie thought it was morbid when she heard me discuss my wishes with my sister but this important to me! Talk to your loved ones to make sure they also know of your intent.
What a beautiful gesture, mike :huggy: You may have saved someone's life by posting this... or more than one someone.... I registered through the IL drivers license program ..... and would be honored if I could help someone through organ donation, just as 2 people donated their bone marrow so that my best friend could have another chance for life ♥♥♥. Prayers and Best Wishes for a successful transplant for your niece.
I'll be hoping for her, Mike. That is so hard. When my grandfather was on the transplant list, the hardest part was knowing that wishing for a lung meant willing someone else to die. It's such a tough thing, like a devastating miracle, when it finally happens. Hopefully her wait won't be long, she sounds like a wonderful young lady.

Be an organ donor... don't take them with you, we need them here!
i hope she gets a heart soon!

My dad donated marrow a while ago to a little kid...He had to fly to Washington DC and take a few days off of work.

Unfortunately the child did not live.

He said that marrow donation left him sore and weak for a few days. Still, worth it to try to help another person, but you have to have generosity of heart and spirit to do it for someone you don't know.
The one thing that upset my sister the most, besides the diagnosis, when she was told she has cancer, is that having cancer permanently removed her from being an organ donor.

I truly don't understand why more folks [& their families] are not donors.

It is one of G-d holiest commandments, Pikuach Nefesh, to save a life.

The person who passed on no longer needs their organs. One person can help as many as 50 people. Fifty people. Fifty families.

It is just selfish to not be a donor, of your own or of a loved one's body parts.
Ennui, perhaps she could find some comfort if donating her body to science when the time comes. :huggy:
When my dad passed away from lung cancer, they asked if we wanted to donate any organs and we asked them of we could. They said you can use eyes and I think skin. They didn't use any of his though.

The one thing that upset my sister the most, besides the diagnosis, when she was told she has cancer, is that having cancer permanently removed her from being an organ donor.

I truly don't understand why more folks [& their families] are not donors.

It is one of G-d holiest commandments, Pikuach Nefesh, to save a life.

The person who passed on no longer needs their organs. One person can help as many as 50 people. Fifty people. Fifty families.

It is just selfish to not be a donor, of your own or of a loved one's body parts.
I already have the donor thingy on my DL, but I registered online just in case. :)
Thanks for all the support! Today they put a Swan catheter in. It monitors her heart better than the other methods they were using. She is now on the 1A list upgraded from the 1B list. The waiting time was 1 year on 1B but now it is 6-8 weeks. We are praying that she stays healthy until that time.
My niece got a heart today! She was in surgery for about 10 hours but the doctors were very happy with the results. She will be sedated for 2 days which is good because she is on a ventilator. I am so grateful that our prayers have come through. Please say a prayer for her and her donor family.
Thank for sharing with us and updating us.

TONS of prayers for this young lady!!

My own daughter JUST turned 20....I can't imagine what your family and her parents are going through.

((hugs)) and prayers all around.
Thank God and thank you for bringing her story to us.
thank god she is doing well. My son will be doing an organ/ tissue donation
drive in new lenox in march with"gift of hope".

It is such an important cause he thought his boy scout eagle project should be
related to this cause. His auntie mc cheapskate might be needing a kidney
some day.

prays for you niece!
Prayers for your niece.

Prayers of peace and comfort for the loving and generous family that made this gift of life possible while grieving their own great loss.
Wonderful news! Thanks for the update. I hope your niece has a speedy recovery.
That's great to hear. Very happy she got a heart.
My prayers also go out to the donors family. That is such selfless gift.
I truly don't understand why more folks [& their families] are not donors.

While I agree with you, I also think they need to find a way to make it easier on the families. When my BIL passed away last year they said donating his organs would require keeping him on the ventilator for an extra 2ish days while they ran tests to make sure his organs where viable. Made the decision much harder.

Mike I'm so glad that your niece got her heart!