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The Second Coming of Jesus.....

Helga The Viking

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Just would like to know what everyone's thoughts are on the subject. From previous posts, I gather there are a few theologian's in the audience! Thanks!

Let's hope it was the true Jesus. (The all loving all caring all forgiving person the bible described) and not someone who is a reflection of the current hierarchy.
I'm in! <IMG SRC="http://geocities.com/r337m0nk3y/legionxs/crucified.gif" border=0>

and I'm ready! <IMG SRC="http://geocities.com/r337m0nk3y/net/angel2.gif" border=0>

<center><FONT COLOR="red">hi mom!</FONT c></center>
<center><IMG SRC="http://geocities.com/r337m0nk3y/legionxs/wavey.gif" border=0></center>
Well, I'm Catholic, but my beliefs don't necessarily jibe with "official" Catholic teaching. Then again, by virtue of my degree, I'm part of the lay magisterium, which means my teachings can be considered official, up to a point.

The mind boggles...

Anyways -- I think Jesus ran around (ran, walked, rode donkeys, whatever, the mode of transportation isn't important) saying that the kingdom of God is at hand. At hand meaning it's here now, not that it's coming after I die on a cross, get raised, and all that. Everyone's preparing for a second coming of Jesus, when we don't pay attention to what he said his first time around -- God's time is now, and as such we need to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, and right the wrongs.

So personally, I don't concern myself with an if or when is Jesus coming. I try to act like he's here now.

My knob tastes funny.
I used to be 100% for sure on what I belived. Now, I honestly don't have any earthly idea. As time goes by, I like organized religion less and less. I've just seen too many hypocrites and such. God doesn't really play in the forefront of my life any more. I've gone through times like this before, and I've always wound up coming back to Christianity, but I dunno. ::sigh:: My boyfriend had me bawling my eyes out on Good Friday cuz I couldn't figure things out. He told me that I was growing up and figuring out what I believed. So, I guess we'll see. I hope that Jesus was real, not necesarily as the Son of God, but He *was* good man.

On a side note, what are the little karma rating thingies?
Thanks for all the interesting replies...
Possum - always been interested in the Catholic faith.. what's different about your beliefs? I consider myself a Christian (no denomination necessary). I know according to the Catholic faith I would not be considered "Heaven material" could you possibly expand on this? Thanks!
mthrlangl - Jesus is real, he is alive and he is coming back for ALL OF US... Keep the faith and you will be rewarded in the end!!!
One of the creeds Catholics profess has the statement:

"He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead..."

One can make the argument that since I don't believe in this statement (when in fact I *do*, I just believe that it means something different than most everyone else) that I shouldn't call myself a Catholic. A lot of my beliefs are like that...sure, I'll say that "Jesus is X" and "the Eucharist means Y" and all that, but my definitions of X and Y would probably be a lot different than the average Catholic out there.

As to your statement that you wouldn't be "Heaven material" by Catholic standards...well, to put it simply and bluntly, by Catholic standards, Catholics don't have the right to say that. Only one being can say who is "Heaven material", if you catch my drift

My knob tastes funny.
Bravo! I do believe I like your answer! I always love it when people tell you they're "Saved" or because of a particular denomination (Catholic) that REMOVES them from judgement.... I say, it's an everyday, uphill thing. Everyday of our lives we should be doing things in a fashion pleasing to God, and even if some people say that God and Heaven don't exist, isn't this still a wonderful way for the world to be??
Well, I believe that the second coming for all of us will at least be when we die. When will the second coming happen on this earth? Who knows? I believe that the best way is to be prepared. I do feel like I have gone a bit down the wrong path, though, but I do believe that Jesus will return and I do know his return will be subtle as the Bible suggests (why I somehow know for sure it will at least be when we die).
The Bible is considered a history book, A history that has been proven correct over and over by the very science that says that God is not real. mthrlangl, a human being cannot be any thing but a hypocrit. You will forever fall short of perfection in the eyes of God. No human is without sin. The very thing Jesus talked about. If you read the teachings of Paul, he explicately explains your confusion. Christianity is not a religion, it's a personal relationship through Christ to God. The teachings of Paul explain. You are not saved through works or deeds, for you are saved through the grace of God, beleiving that Christ is your personal savior. The bible is a direct intervention through man from God. Do you beleive in God? If Jesus was not who he says he was, he would have been stricken down and not been able to teach what he taught and have what was written about him. Because the bible is a direct intervention of God. If you don't beleive the bible, then you confusions will be real.
hi boo - i recognize you from somewhere - fw or shopping sanctuary maybe? not sure.

i liked your answer about christianity not being a religion, but a personal relationship w/christ

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
Yep, FW and SS, mostly SS. But, I have to admit... That post was my husbands. He is a firm beliver, I'm still taking the walk...
, my mind is too analitical.
yah, i knew it was one or both of them
welcome to a.s. too; and btw, hubby sure has a way w/words.

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
Whoa, there's a lot there to digest...

Originally posted by booboosmommie:
The Bible is considered a history book

I didn't think that even the Jews who wrote it thought that way about it.

mthrlangl, a human being cannot be any thing but a hypocrit. You will forever fall short of perfection in the eyes of God.

Man, who would want to love a god like that? Where's the two-way relational love? It's somewhat self-abusive to love someone who can only look at you as someone who will always be less than perfect.

No human is without sin. The very thing Jesus talked about.

Jesus didn't just say that humans were sinners, he did something about it - he hung out with them, talked to them, touched them, and ministered to them in a very real way. The outcasts, the unclean, the tax collectors, every facet of society that "mainstream" Judaism considered having fallen short of perfection.

The teachings of Paul explain. You are not saved through works or deeds, for you are saved through the grace of God, beleiving that Christ is your personal savior.

That's what Paul says, but Jesus said that not everyone who calls "Lord, Lord" will enter the kingdom - rather, those who do god's will shall enter. And god's will, exemplified most perfectly thru Jesus, would be to heal the sick, console the suffering, clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and give shelter to the poor.

Don't get me wrong, it's probably a good start to "accept Jesus as your lord and savior" (although to be honest no one has adequately been able to explain to me what that means), but there's got to be something more to it than that.

My knob tastes funny.
It's not like I haven't read the Bible, because I have. Yes, the whole thing. And no offense, but trying to point out where people are so very, very wrong isn't going to help much. It'll prolly just piss them off. And I seem to remember something about words with works being pointles..or some such like that. You know..walk the walk *and* talk the talk.

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. - Calvin
WHOAH...got some heavy thumping going on up there...I am saddened and somewhat sickened to see that educated human adults still succomb to ancient writings that have stiffled our progress as an intelligent species...our sun has burned nearly half of it's life and we are still standing around like idiots, scratching our heads, and waiting on someone to come and save us from damnation..."some of these writings should be glanced at for their historical value..."some" for the moral values...but most of the writings are mere folklore and shouldn't be keeping us wandering aimlessly about, each denomination accusing the other of blasphemy and heresy...pull you head out...Jesus is a dead guy and will not be coming back.
I think it's wonderful that this post has been around since May and is still receiving feedback! Interesting to see all different opinions... Alot of dialogue concerning the validity of the Bible, I for one do believe the Bible to be an inspiration from God... and yes I do believe Jesus is coming BACK! I know we all have different opinions on the matter, but you ALL have to admit one thing... EVEN IF the Bible were only a mere BOOK the writings/teachings could still be applied today (the Gospels) and we'd all benefit from them tremendously...
The Bible:

A ripping good yarn!!

treat people well and your worries are over,
this is my religion, if it don't get me into the
BIG party then I don't want to be there!!