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the story of us ... this should be interesting

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Part Of The Furniture
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okay, we know enuf about eachother that we can start a story about us - yay:

one day, spiderg was on her merry little way to the bagel shop, when all of the sudden ...

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
...she bumped into Poss, who was amusing himself by reciting funny (to him) Homer Simpson "Mmmmmm" instances...

My knob tastes funny.
standing in line in front of spiderg was mthrlangl, who answering a bagel craving.

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. - Calvin
and a cream cheese craving simultaneously. also waiting patiently, was liltaz, who just so happened to be ordering a croissant with eggs, cheese and ketchup. spiderg became faint and passed out on the floor, so ...

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
liltaz got her food and waved it under spiderg's nose hoping to revive her...

A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
but to no avail, spiderg was turning blue, so liltaz smooshed the egg sandwich into her face. spiderg woke up, became hysterical and ran outside, only to bump into ...

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
big daddy necro... who surpisingly said "Hi everybody! How's about you gals come over to my place and take a swim..."
And all "us gals" said "sure, why not" and ...

A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
necro gave liltaz the keys to the Hummer and beach house, "Work I must - but these keys with you I trust!"... as necro scuddles off to work. Just then...
mthrlangl walked out of the bagel shop and realized she'd missed getting a ride with liltaz. Sighing, she decided to find spider to get some mommy advice.

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. - Calvin

SMACK! mthrlangl belts Poss across the jaw, obviously steamed. "How dare you! I'm gonna be a mommy, you know...how dare you! I'm a lady!"

<Editor's note for newbies: What makes this funny is that mthrlangl is so incredibly nice that she probably wouldn't just haul off and belt me. Or so I'd hope. I'm not gonna test her though

"Owwww..." Poss groans, rubbing his jaw. "Iff you'da lemme fimmish, I'da said *new designer swimsuits*, bu my mouff is fulla leffover breffas sammich..."

As Poss passes out swimsuits to the Soupers...

My knob tastes funny.
mthrlangl apoligizes profusely to Poss. "I'm so incredibly sorry," she said, "but my freakin' hormones are just outta control. My mommy always told me that playing with boys would get me in trouble one day."

So, the happy Soup crew continued to the beach in their new designer swimsuits. Unfortunately, they ran over the peopl who robbed Dan's house and got a flat tire.

"Oh, no!" wailed liltaz. "How are we gonna explain this to necro?!?!"

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. - Calvin
Just at that very moment... Necro was taking a break at work... checking out his deals... when he came across this cool site with Neon green & blue tachometers... 'very very cool thang for my ummer' he thought... so he ordered one...

He called Capt Kirk up to tell him, but he was...
off attempting to "explore strange new worlds" with all of the hot Alien "gals". Suddenly Alien, The Big Giant Head, himself, showed up and...

Scotty, the native aliens here ARE friendly...

<font color="#000000">[Edited by CaptKirk on July 26, 2000 (edited 1 time)]</font>
Meanwhile, Poss patiently cleaned up the remains of the smooshed egg croissant sandwich from the floor.

"Woe is me...here I sit cleaning a breakfast emporium while other Alien Soupers head out to a beach house...wait a minute, is that a piece of bacon? Mmmmm, bacon..."

My knob tastes funny.
liltaz takes the keys, hops in the Hummer, calls to spider to jump in and takes off towards the beach house for a nice day at the beach...

A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
spiderg and mthrlangl hop in, but the ketchup is starting to smell rank, so they make a quick stop at spiderg's house so she can change her clothes. just then it dawns on them that poss is still at the breakfast emporium. once everyone is safely in the humm-vee, they set off for papa necro's beach party. thus, realizing that nobody brought any bathing suits. that's okay, says poss, you can swim in the ...

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
the party got even wilder because he brought his alien family, and we know how those aliens like to party...

A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged.
and everyone was getting kinda stoned off the weird blue/green glow eminating from the new tach Necro had installed in the hummer. Things started to get a little out of hand with all sorts of...

Scotty, the native aliens here ARE friendly...
hula dancing. Necro's tach was made in Hawaii.

"Help!" cried mthrlangl. "My hips have a mind of their own!"

"I can't stop, either!" yelled CaptKirk, who was playing a ukilele.

"Ack! I hate coconuts!" "Help!"

You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help. - Calvin
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