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There's a RAT in the house.........


Hanging Out!
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I thought we were done, but i guess not .....sigh

Her name is Sprinkles :surrender:


Cute! Rats make really nice pets.

Don't they do better in pairs though? :hides:
I'm sure you have a bucket around! :snicker:
I'm guessing Lucy and the rat don't get to interact very much? :giggles:
i want a rat.... i hear they are great pets!
he would like it to death, or sit on it! :lol:
I like (indoor) rodents..... I didn't mind the hamster or the guinea pig or the gerbils or the other hamsters or the other guinea pigs, but I'm not a fan of scaly tails :surrender:

Her room had finally stopped smelling like zoo, since Vito (gp) passed a few months ago... I thought we were done...... til she walked in with a pet box Sunday night :tap:

Sprinkles is on the small side and DD thought she might be able to escape from the cages we have, so DD bought an medium-ish sized aquarium for her.

NO, we're not getting Sprinkles a friend!

NO, I don't "bucket" the pets!

NO, Lucy will not get to :quotes:play:quotes: with her. Though a friend of DS has a German shepherd that DID play with their rat :lol:

Yes, I have heard that they're smart ... Sprinkles likes to go for rides on DD shoulder and hide in the back under her hair .....
THINK ABOUT THAT for a while
the hamsters and gerbils always had to be moving moving moving and would have fallen/flown off :giggles:

i want a rat.... i hear they are great pets!

Me too ............... They are very good pets. My brother had one growing up, she was BIG and her name was "Tiny". Some are more friendly than others, so take time at the pet store and check out the temperment (?) before choosing.
LOL ..... they had 2 rats at the pet store DD went to.... this one and another..... when the store guy picked up the other one to hand it to my daughter, they discovered about EIGHT BABIES underneath :faint:

He said, ummmmmmm, I don't think these should be out here... I better go tell someone

LOL... ya think?

luckily, this one was friendly

OH, and I'm not fond of the name... Sprinkles is WAY too close an association to cookies and baking and all :tap:
I was thinking Sprinkles as in "if you sprinkle wheile you tinkle". :giggles:
I bake cookies all day long.... that was NOT the first thing I thought of when I heard "Sprinkles" :lol:
LOL ..... they had 2 rats at the pet store DD went to.... this one and another..... when the store guy picked up the other one to hand it to my daughter, they discovered about EIGHT BABIES underneath :faint:

He said, ummmmmmm, I don't think these should be out here... I better go tell someone

LOL... ya think?

luckily, this one was friendly

OH, and I'm not fond of the name... Sprinkles is WAY too close an association to cookies and baking and all :tap:


The only way I like rats is when they're SNAKE FOOD!

You could imagine my surprise when DH and I first started dating - I opened the freezer to grab a pizza and found a large stash of HUGE frozen rats for his 8' python :laugh:
OK, well at least she didn't bring home a snake :phew:

and ewwww for the freezer story, red... that's way creepier than my LIVE rat... well, I think so anyway