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Things that blow your mind

I've heard Shutter Island wasn't good but all you guys say it is. Hmm...
Yeah watch shutter island.

Also all the Physics and Chemistry of the little things in everyday life around us.
This is the best thread I have ever read hands down! I learned so many new and entertaining things today. I love learning trivia. Now I can annoy my husband with new tidbits of useless information.
Childrens math.
I was helping my Nephew do his homework the other day, since you know. I went to college (thats how my sister says it)
He is Seven years old, they're doing basic Algebra already.
I didn't learn that crap until high school! I mean what the hell!

On the flip side of that. How ignorant my generation is. (the 18-20 somethings)
Half of the people i work with would not survive day to day activities on their own.
300lb offensive linemen in the NFL have vertical jumps comparing to the best leapers in the NBA
These things are great! I didn't know about most of them. I'll try to find some to post too :D
What are some things that blow your mind?

I found out that in the Zelda series, the song Zelda's Lullaby was played backwards to create the theme song for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Really??? That's awesome.

I also heard that the song Hotel Calif, when played backward was a song to hell....rumors though. I never tried to check if it's true, though...hahaha. Cause I don't want to hear hell's song!

The typical lead pencil can draw a line that is thirty five miles long - wonder how many miles worth of writing I've done.

Really? Whew....

I've been much into writing since age 9. I wonder how many miles worth of writing I did! (some of them were in shorthand though, ^_^... when I was in college!)

Really learning much in this thread!

I hate the word SINKHOLES!
The human body still to this day blows my mind. I remember reading an article about a woman who lost her sight in an accident and her brain rerouted parts of her neural network so she could see again. WTF.
The fact that Rick Santorum is a legitimate candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. This country sucks...
The typical lead pencil can draw a line that is thirty five miles long - wonder how many miles worth of writing I've done.
I never would've thought that. I feel like that is an insane length!
How about this one .. children who sleep more before puberty grow taller as sleep induces release of growth hormone and hence these children develop longer bones and grow taller!
If you've got kids and want them to grow tall, make sure they sleep well.
How about this one .. children who sleep more before puberty grow taller as sleep induces release of growth hormone and hence these children develop longer bones and grow taller!
If you've got kids and want them to grow tall, make sure they sleep well.

Wow, that is truly an interesting theory. I wish I slept more as a child!