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things you want to do...


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what are some things you want to do in your lifetime?

me, i'd like to do all the regular things like graduate, get a good job, good family, cool place to live, etc. but other things i'd like to eventually do is:
-play guitar more so i sound decent
-maybe get a horse
-train my border collie for agility courses
-create or help create a video game (a good one)
-parasailing (it just sounds really fun)
-be famous for something
-times square for new years
-the mall in dc for fireworks
-become a better person overall blah blah blah :rollseyes
Mine are:

- Have kids (nice ones ;))
- Have a successful job
- Be part of some really big project, game, website, etc.
- Maybe be famous
- Some how have millions of games.
- Oh and enjoy LIFE :)
- Get married, and have a fun marriage (yes, that means some good u-no-wat)
- Run/own a huge forum with an amazing design (200,000+ members, 1,000,000+ posts)
- Run/own a web design site
- Run/own the next Microsoft
- Go to Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Build the best software ever
I really want to travel...
Preferably to places a lot different than my own country. But travelling anywhere when I'm older will be great. :D
I want to:

-Finish High School and get to college (2 more years!)
-Keep working at Universal through college.
-Get married, have 3 kids
-Get a job in business or something like that.
-Have sex more than once a day
-Cure Cancer (so then i dont get it :p )
-Become the worlds most Famous man then screw it up the next day
-Become the worlds most Richest man then lose it on a Stupid bet!

Well...thats about it
- Be filthy Rcih (that just aint gunna happen)
- Make the site i have in my head (Cant do the graphics)
- Move out of this **** hole.
- Travel around oversea somewhere.
- Learn how to hack or atleast get it stuck in my head.
- Rid my workplace of the ****er i work with. (push, oooops sorry :p)

Thats bout it for now. Many more things but wont mention them.
Well this should be very intersting.........................
*evil laugh*hhehehehehehehehe

-Marry a really ugly person
-Have very ugly children
-Have a horrible job which I hate so much I eventually burn down the office building.
-Be extrmely poor
-shoot a gun
-shoot a rocket launcher
-shoot a flame thrower
-break a mirror
-cross a black cat's path
-never have sex and resist it for all my life
-try...........NoT.......to be famous
-not finsh school, any kind of schooling
-not even get a job
-become a lazy bum
-make some sort of disease that kills more people than cancer and later kills everybody in the western hempshere.
-reverse everyone else's wanna be accomplishments on this thread and post it.
(oh wait I just did that, hahahahaha, lol)

<<Buster later accomplishs all which he has just listed and than later kills himself by dropping an xbox 8 on his body, which weighs about 200 tons>>

<<who ever said things get smaller when technology gets better>>
From that line we can deduce the Xbox is pap.

Anyway... I wouldn't mind a bit of murder. I've a few people in mind who I wouldn't mind snapping the necks of, severing their spinal column, my cold, distant eyes the last thing they see...
**** their hides. **** them straight to Hell.

Wouldn't mind some bacon, either.
most recent addition: finish college in 2 more years...when in reality it's going to take me 4, but daddy says i have to. he is demanding the impossible.

oh boy, this should be good.:sure:
-finish high school and go to a good computer Univierity
-Start Tsunami Games (the company me and my friend wanna start)
-Find a really nice/good looking girl and get married
- Have kids
-Travel all over the worl dwith my beautifull family
-Learn fluent Portugese (speaking, reading, writing)
-Enjoy Life overall:D