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Thinking and Emotions


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We can control our thinking, examine it, explore it, correct it when it is in error, etc. But what about our emotions? Can we control our emotions? Can we examine, explore and experiment with our emotions? Or are we simply victims of it?
I have to say I'm liking all these posts...most of them are the thoughts I have myself!!

welcome to the bash...

as to emotions, we can control them...but it takes work..and in extreme occasions we can't...sigh **** lol
Actually, I believe our emotions can be controlled to a large extent, especially because most of our emotions are based on how we percieve the world and our beliefs about things. People are often afraid of things that won't hurt them, so they feel emotions of fear, but if they changed how they perceived those things, they wouldn't feel fear, even with the same stimulus.

Emotions are triggered by thoughts and perceptions, and these can be changed.
Who was it Roosevelt or Churchill that said "We have nothing to fear but fear itself?" I would tend to agree with Not and so would the man who uttered these words during the WWII.
I believe emotions can be controlled much more easily than thoughts -
specailly with me my thoughts are rather random and uncontrolled lol!