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This is gonna hurt

Rocky Balboa

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Arizona, USA


And the 3rd guy will never know the joy of being a dad.

Don't be such harsh on him. Maybe the job of being a natural dad. He can always adopt a child. And would have a hell of a reason to write in the adoption request file :)
Don't be such harsh on him. Maybe the job of being a natural dad. He can always adopt a child. And would have a hell of a reason to write in the adoption request file :)

Thats true! Who in their right mind would denie this guys adoption request?
I think this thread is going to turn into an adoption thread. Hahaha. Yeah I remember I also got hit with a softball. I don't remember how painful it was but I still can't forget that day.
I think this thread is going to turn into an adoption thread. Hahaha. Yeah I remember I also got hit with a softball. I don't remember how painful it was but I still can't forget that day.

I remember playing a ton of softball as a kid, so much fun but so much pain when i stuffed up catching the ball, fun times.
OUCH! That bull is ripping it.... he ain't gona walk any time soon, that is for sure.
That guy won't get up for a while after that. I feel sorry for him, the pain that must of caused would've been unbearable.

Only thing similar that's happened to me like his is when I way playing football/soccer and I went up for a header (the ball came down from about 100ft or more), I headed the ball, it rebounded off my own goalpost and hit me right in the privates. I had to be substituted and walked with a limp for weeks upon weeks.
Baseball is great for the odd eye injury lol Even better when the ball is smacked out of the park on an unknowing fan!

Even better when they make an idiot of themselves...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffeJ6X98VtE"]Baseball Fan Does Not Cup Balls - YouTube[/ame]
The picture of the ball hitting the phillies player in the face is just brutal. If you've ever been hit by a baseball, you know how much that is going to hurt. OUCH!
About the 3rd one, I remember I saw how one bull just killed a guy on YouTube, like 2 month ago.
Don't be such harsh on him. Maybe the job of being a natural dad. He can always adopt a child. And would have a hell of a reason to write in the adoption request file :)
Uhm, it was just a joke. No need to take it that seriously :ugh:
I used to love those semi-cheesy vhs specials they would advertise back in the day on TV for sports injuries and flubs. This reminded me of that and gave me a good laugh too! Thanks for sharing.
The picture of the ball hitting the phillies player in the face is just brutal. If you've ever been hit by a baseball, you know how much that is going to hurt. OUCH!

Was hit by a softball a few years ago on the shoulder - oh my shizzmoniz that really stung!
Sports revolve around two things: getting hurt and getting paid. Most of the time, athletes dont care about the amount of exercise they do. Getting hurt is comPletely normal in almost all sports:
Third one's definitely going to leave a mark. Second one makes the guy look like a sissy girl just because of his hands. And first one, well, lets just say he's having a bad day ;)
I wonder where the first guy landed. The second pic is really funny, but the third... HUGE OUCH!
He was lucky the thing didn't fall on his neck. It was a close one!