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This or that?

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Love. Money won't keep me feeling all warm and fuzzy at night. (Well, unless I hire a prostitute, I suppose.)

Heavy metal or folk music?
That's a tough one.. But I'd go Folk Music. I can't handle such heaviness.. *but listens to Dubstep*

T.V or Video games?
Right now it is TV since hockey is on.
XF or VB?
I've no idea what those are so I'll pick VB 'cos I like those letters best.

Bridge or Koi Koi?

Note from Napalm, VB = Vbulletin. XF = Xenforo
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Football or Basketball?
Ouch, this is a very tough one, as both are my favorites...
But my future relies in Mathematics.
Helicopter or Planes?
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