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honestly past 12 mos. IMO I don't see why breastfeeding would still be necessary. Not trying to upset anyone, just my opinion.

It comes in handy if your child isn't able to drink cow's milk. Alternatives are expensive and don't necessarily cover the same nutritional needs. My kids were small and didn't take to cow's milk immediately, so until they were eating enough foods that covered those needs, those wake-up and bedtime nursings were still important for them.
If a child is old enough to ask to nurse, never mind climb up on a step stool, wouldn't that be a clue that maybe it's time to let it go?
My one year old has been very vocal since 8 months. She asked to "eat" at 9/10 months when she wanted to nurse...so you are saying she should have had formula because she could speak?
My one year old has been very vocal since 8 months. She asked to "eat" at 9/10 months when she wanted to nurse...so you are saying she should have had formula because she could speak?

Give me a break. At what point would you consider it time for a nursing mom to hang it up? Four? Five? Eight? Still okay after all the baby teeth have gone?
Ennui - you get slammed alot for having opinions on raising kids, yet you don't have any of your own, correct?

I suspect that you are part of the problem, intentionally or not, of breastfeeding not being more accepted here in the USA. It can be the silent disapproval that is just as demeaning as explicit disapproval.

Why would you want women not to give the best nutrition they can to their child/children for as long as they can?
LOL - well we have to have one thread going to entertain the masses.
One of my male co-workers used to tell all the female co-workers that cow milk is for the calves. :)

The first college I used to teach was very supportive of breast feeding, even the woman director of the company carry a breast pump to work. She got married in her mid 30s, had three children in 5 years and pretty much breast feeding the whole time during my 4 years stint there.
I wish I could have breast fed DS, but even with a hospital grade pump I got minimal amounts of milk. I can't imagine breast feeding a kid past 2 though.
I have 2 children but was unable to breast feed. By the age of three they no longer even used a bottle. Once they are able to eat/drink their nutrition what is the point? I think momma just doesn't want to let go.
Give me a break. At what point would you consider it time for a nursing mom to hang it up? Four? Five? Eight? Still okay after all the baby teeth have gone?

You said if they can speak and ask for it...I was pointing out how outrageous that statement was. It is blanket remarks like yours that make it hard for a mom to even feel comfortable nursing.
I find the cover disrespectful to breastfeeding women....most, in my experience are doing it because they believe it is the right choice and are very modest about how/where they do it. Not because its dirty or wrong but because they have decorum and they aren't out to flash anyone, they merely want to nourish their child. They don't do it to make a salacious point which is what this cover seems to be trying to accomplish. IMO

I don't think this is representative of 99 percent of women who breastfeed...
in the US we have certain societal beliefs, I dont know if they are right or worng.....generally off formula and breast milk by and onto a cup by one potty trained by 2, ect ect......

but when this woman put her almost 4 year old son on the cover of Time she was not thinking of his needs, which is the point of breast feeding, she was thinking of furthering her own pro-breast feeding adgenda
When a child Is old enough to run around and go to the toilet without much help ; Then It's time to pump & feed through a cup for God sake's. The Mother has a detatchment crisis on her side & needs to seek help If she can not let go. You have to let your child grow up & out ...not hold them In & suffocate their being. This answer Is brought from much self Q & A. From Me.
Most of this chapter is available online: "A Time to Wean: The Hominid Blueprint for the Natural Age of Weaning in Modern Human Populations"
long link
At what age would human infants be weaned (cease breastfeeding completely) if the process were based only on physiological considerations? That is, acknowledging that humans are primates, and recognizing that lactation and weaning take place according to regular patterns in the nonhuman primates, then what do these patterns suggest would be the natural age of weaning in modern humans if these behaviors were not modified by culture?
Weaning according to specific multiplication of birthweight = 3-4 years
according to attainment of 1/3 adult weight = 4-7 years
according to adult body size = 2.5-3.5 years
according to gestation length = 4.5 years
according to eruption of first permanent molar = 6 years

I nursed both of my sons until they were about 2 1/2, and if they had really pushed to continue I would have continued. It's no longer about nutrition/calories at that age... It's about continuing immunological protection and pacification. At what age would you consider it inappropriate for a child to be using a pacifier (=breast substitute)?
I am all for doing what is best for each mother and child pairing. Jonny was breastfed for 6 weeks and started refusing the breast, so we went to formula. I was sad, but glad that he got 6 weeks worth :)

I think that had the cover photo shown her child breastfeeding in a loving, tender way, it might be more appropriate. But because she decided to do it more like "HAHA ****ERS! LOOK AT THIS!!" it makes me angry.

But what makes me MORE angry is the statement, "are you mom enough?" **** you!
The mom & the kid will be on the Today Show this morning.

I haven't read all of the posts for this, but the kid is 3. To me, he looks 5, maybe it's the chair.

I don't know...he's 3. That's not *that* old. It older than my kids had their bottles, but it's not *that* old. I breastfed my DD18 for 3 weeks...it didn't go well. It was really a miserable experience and I didn't breastfeed DD13 at all because of it. In fact, when pregnant people ask my opinion on breastfeeding I tell them I think it's "wonderful, if it works" and to give it a try, but I don't get into my breastfeeding story because it was really that bad & I don't want to discourage anyone. :lol: To me, boob or bottle, 12-18 months is enough.

My mom had friends who breastfed their kids until they were older than 3...I want to say 4-5. When the kid can walk up to you & say, "Meemee, Mom?" after taking the gum out of his mouth & beginning to unbutton your blouse, it's too old, in my opinion. But, if it works for you/your kid/your family, why would I really, really care? :p I might raise an eyebrow, but I wouldn't get into a debate about it with you.
I am all for doing what is best for each mother and child pairing. Jonny was breastfed for 6 weeks and started refusing the breast, so we went to formula. I was sad, but glad that he got 6 weeks worth :)

I think that had the cover photo shown her child breastfeeding in a loving, tender way, it might be more appropriate. But because she decided to do it more like "HAHA ****ERS! LOOK AT THIS!!" it makes me angry.

But what makes me MORE angry is the statement, "are you mom enough?" **** you!

Yeah, this totally pisses me off. Can we quit with this "I'm a better mother than you are" bullshit. Everyone wants the best for their kids and everyone has different situations. How about we support each other instead of trying to out mommy each other.