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Thread Games-The "Would You Rather" Game

This or That? (Part Deux)


to fart or not to fart

this is so lame of me, but i'm tired.

"There is just one reality left: We are here and it is now. You get hold of that and hang on to it or you might as well be dead."
This or That? (Part Deux)


Now...let's assume it was a wet one....to wipe or not to wipe?

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

That which does not make me barf, makes me stronger - possum37, fugly.net guru.
This or That? (Part Deux)

assuming it was most definately a wet one, we'd be wiping.

toilet paper or dipey wipes?


god, leave it to me and howse to crap up a thread.

"There is just one reality left: We are here and it is now. You get hold of that and hang on to it or you might as well be dead."
This or That? (Part Deux)

overall and in general i would have to say toilet paper.

now i feel i have to keep this somewhat gross...

skid marked underwear: toss it or wash it?
This or That? (Part Deux)

yay for smiss!

wash it (there's always bleach)

lumpy or smooth?

"There is just one reality left: We are here and it is now. You get hold of that and hang on to it or you might as well be dead."
This or That? (Part Deux)

well, what are we talking about!? hmm, every situation i can think of i would have to say lumpy!

tissues or a handkerchief?
This or That? (Part Deux)


Juice: grapefruit or apple?
This or That? (Part Deux)

although i am actually a fan of both.. hmmm... i think... grapefruit...

mouse: ball or optical?
This or That? (Part Deux)

Optical (though I can't actually get one because my PC sucks...grrrr)

Windoze or Mac?
This or That? (Part Deux)

Whichever one loads the games...

Regular or Diet carbinated beverage?

This or That? (Part Deux)

Films: Romantic comedy or action?
This or That? (Part Deux)


Hair: Long, short or middle length?
This or That? (Part Deux)

On a female, middle. On myself, short.

Chocolates: Ferrero Rocher or Caramello?
This or That? (Part Deux)

:axe: Though I haven't found an excuse to use it yet!!

Preffered instrument to listen to: Piano, Harp or Drums?
This or That? (Part Deux)

Gawd I'm stupid. I must be tired. Scratch that last post.


Drinks: Juice or water?