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Thread Games-The "Would You Rather" Game

This or That? (Part Deux)

definetly butter. its one of the joys of getting popcorn at the movies (which i very rarely do!)

jeans or kahkis
This or That? (Part Deux)

As usual, it depends. But I usually go with jeans.

Socks or no socks?
This or That? (Part Deux)

socks. socks. socks. socks......

pokemon or digimon?
This or That? (Part Deux)

I've never watched either, but I'll say digimon.

Red or green apples?
This or That? (Part Deux)


It's raining and you're at the mall/grocery store/whatever: wait for the rain to stop or make a mad dash for your car?
This or That? (Part Deux)

Mad dash :)

Shower or bath?
This or That? (Part Deux)


Do you like to listen to music/TV with the volume loud or quiet?
This or That? (Part Deux)

Shower. I don't have *time* for baths. And when I do actually take a bath, I manage to fall asleep in the tub.

Long or short nails?
This or That? (Part Deux)

i like them both. i suppose i prefer my nails somewhat on the short side. but having fake dagger nails once in a while is a whole lotta fun. and all guys should have short nails if they are the type to not keep them clean...

milk or dark chocolate?
This or That? (Part Deux)

Both. My favorite cereal's Frosted Flakes, but I have Frosted Mini Wheats at home right now.

McDonald's or Burger King?
This or That? (Part Deux)

Depends on my mood, usually McDonald's though.

When driving, are you: polite or aggressive?
This or That? (Part Deux)

Burger King. Cause they have onion rings.

cellular or digital?
This or That? (Part Deux)

I'll answer both ;)

nootch: Usually polite, unless the other person is being rude.

Smiss: I have a cell.

Fast or slow lane?
This or That? (Part Deux)

How bout a lane where 15 year olds can drive?:(

Clouds or Rain?
This or That? (Part Deux)

that's the carpool lane! :lol:

hmm... i like both. but i like clouds more. and it doesnt necessarily have to be cloudy to rain.
so i will say clouds.
that's my final answer.

red or green ketchup?
This or That? (Part Deux)

I've never actually had green ketchup, but it just seems wrong, so I'd choose red.

Skiing: water or snow?
This or That? (Part Deux)

I've only attempted water skiing, and I kept falling..and forgetting to let go of the handles. ::sigh::

MTV or MTV2?