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Thread Games-The "Would You Rather" Game

This or That? (Part Deux)

naked jacuzzi....I'm still not entirely convinced that us girls wouldn't inflate to comedy proportions naked skydiving!

Working out at the gym alone or with company?
This or That? (Part Deux)

with company (if attractive!)

straight or curly?
This or That? (Part Deux)

curly (well, I can hardly choose straight now can I!!)

bread or toast?
This or That? (Part Deux)

hmmmm thats hard....

Carrots, they're more multifunction.

I don't mean that to be half as rude as it sounds...I was refering to the raw/cooked element!

Dictionary or Thesaurus?
This or That? (Part Deux)

Thesaurus, it's far busier!

diamonds or rubys?
This or That? (Part Deux)

Hmmmmmm diamonds I think lady! although rubies are beautiful too...but it has to be diamonds *looks lovingly at her finger*

steak and chips with grilled tomatoes and mushrooms or teriaki beef stir fry?
This or That? (Part Deux)

Steak... (salad my arse!)

Will or Grace?!
This or That? (Part Deux)

Low carb

Riding a bike or Skating