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Thread Games-The "Would You Rather" Game

This or That? (Part Deux)

123....numbers are universal for mathematics....alphabet shmalphabet....

help out Icing in other thread...

Laptop or Desktop
This or That? (Part Deux)


optical or ball?
This or That? (Part Deux)

both (plus trackpads....lol) but own more optical ones

The vastly huge cosmos or the vastly minute subatomic world?
This or That? (Part Deux)

The vastly minute subatomic world.. it's so facinating, because it's not something you are able to see every day.

yogurt or ice cream?
This or That? (Part Deux)

neither....I go for flavor usually! But if I had to pick out of the two if they were only two ever offered I would pick non-fat.

Which junk mail would you rather receive regularly

Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes or Victoria Secret's Catalog?
This or That? (Part Deux)

You know I got thinking not everyone gets junk mail like I do....I get a lot!!! So me a single man of course would be thrilled at models of lingerie adorning my mailbox over the rest of the junk mail!

so here's next this or that...

Duracell or Energizer?
This or That? (Part Deux)

energizer, they look better

wood or oil (for heat)
This or That? (Part Deux)


teacher or researcher? (which is better to use a PhD towards)
This or That? (Part Deux)


the simpsons season 5 on dvd
family guy season 3 on dvd

This or That? (Part Deux)


giraffe or hampster
This or That? (Part Deux)

oh my oh my Lobo you would throw a humdinger question in. Tough tough tough tough. Well never had a real giraffe but family loved stuffed toy ones and knickknacks and well we had a real hampster though. Guess for real animal I would choose hampster.

GPS or map
This or That? (Part Deux)


compass or stars
This or That? (Part Deux)

Stars (for direction always, even for day I use Sun to get direction)

iTunes or Napster?
This or That? (Part Deux)

Napster (i dont use either but apple sucks!)

paper or plastic?
This or That? (Part Deux)

plastic (because when I bag groceries @ work part time, paper gives me cuts and is a pain in the butt)

Moon or Sun?
This or That? (Part Deux)

skittles, because M&Ms don't fall from a gigantic rainbow on a pristine landscape

Duffel Bags or suitcases?
This or That? (Part Deux)

Duffle bags.
easier to carry around and toss into pickups, jeep, etc.

Puffs or Kleenex?