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Three missing women found after 10 years

At 'least they're safe now, but those 10 years of torment are never going to leave them.
My form covered this story this morning. The saddest part is she has a kid with him and it's obviously never left the house and even worse, the kidnapped girls' mother died three years after she was kidnapped, she never got to see her. :(
I almost teared up at that.
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Yeah that part got to me. I thought "Wow their parents must be so happy that they're alive and can be reunited" but then it said that one of the mothers died 3 years afterwards "of a broken heart" and that made me sad.
I'm glad they have all been found and all, but these three girls will be so mentally disturbed, its unlikely they will blend back into society.
It always makes me sad hearing stories like these...
I'm so glad that the girls are safe now, but all that they went through. And what the family went through. That part always makes me sad... And knowing that the girls are going to have such a hard time coming back into society and seeing their family again. It's also sad that someone would kidnap anyone and treat them so, soo poorly for so long.
It's pretty ****ing terrifying to imagine being held captive like that for ten whole years... I'm just glad they're safe now.
I read that in the newspaper today.. It's good that they got found, but it's sad that they've been tortured for 10 years, those girls will never be able to live life to the fullest again or fully trust anyone around them.
the rescuer gave all the money he got for finding them to them [:
It's really sad that in today's world where technology is powerful and it's hard to disappear without a trace, some people still do. I'm just glad these women are finally free and I sure hope that they would gradually be able to live their lives again.
As tragic and horrible as this story is there is also hope in it. So many have disappeared over the years without a trace. Their families were left over time believing that they are dead. But now with these three girls showing up alive after all those years, its as if families of missing individuals have new hope that their loved ones could still be out there somewhere. I can only hope that these girls will be able to get the help they need and will be able to move on with their lives. They have been through so much and its going to be hard for them to adjust to life back in the real world.