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Thunder Storms


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I love them. Scotland doesn't usually get very many, and the ones we do get are pretty small.
I really like thunder and lighning, it's exciting and I find it a little relaxing.
I love them so much. going to sleep with the rain and thunder is really relaxing to me. Did you get one recently?
There is something pretty enjoyable about the full on thunderstorms with fork lightning, but I don't think I've seen one in England which sucks.

Once my Xbox red ringed straight after a lightning strike which was pretty freaky and ruined my game of Gears of War :(
We had a thunderstorm earlier, only a little one though.
Hadn't seen one in like two years.

There was a particularly impressive one from when I was little. It happened really early in the morning and forked lightening was striking in our field behind the house (we had a smallholding at the time). It was really awesome to watch.
I absolutely hate thunder storms!
I always get so nervous that the thunder will lead to more lightening, and the more lightening the higher the chance my house will be struck down or something.
Thunder storms really mess me up and I hate them. XD
I love them only when I'm inside and warm and cosy ^_^
I like thunderstorms, but living so close to water and high up does cause problems when lightning strikes. So I shut everything and hope for the best. My youngest daughter Fiona can't stand them. I have her sit on my lap and comfort her. A few smiles and she's happy again :)
I loooove them. Dreary, rainy days make me lethargic, but a good raging storm is awesome!
I love them! Unfortunately however all the storms here seem to happen overnight :(
i love storms.
we had some pretty intense tornados today in oklahoma, but they don't ever hit my town so its all good for me.
That reminds me. . .. a few years ago I went to Tunisia and at 5 pm one evening, across the sea's horizon began a thin, but ever largening black line. By 6pm a raging thunderstorm hit. Our hotel, painted white, became brilliant dazzling white as lightning continuously flickered. The storm raged on til 8 am next day, by which time a guest's slippers were seen floating in the foyer and said guest none too happy. XD African storms are something else. Makes the UK's a bit of a picnic.
I enjoy thunderstorms. I know some people are afraid of them, but when I was younger, the whole family would sit together and watch the storms roll in. This atmosphere made me feel safe and allowed me to enjoy the storms. Nowadays, I still like to read a book while listening to the storm. What activities do you like to do during a storm?
What activities do you like to do during a storm?

Haaa! First thing I do is instinctiively switch the internet off, but we're on cable now so it doesn't matter. :D Errr, otherwise just sit with my girls and watch the lightning dance across the sky and time the flashes/thumder on my chronograph.
I love thunderstorms, but the last time here in England we had one was just a couple of days ago. I was in the forest at the time and that is bad news! I quickly made my escape though and everything was fine. It's just I've heard a forest is the worst place to be during a storm, because the chances of getting struck by lightning are much greater.
I live in Arizona where we have a serious monsoon season every year, needless to say I hate thunderstorms because of this reason. I don't mind rain storms too much, although my house has many leaks now. But lightening and thunder I can't handle. Lightening can be scary in its own way. After all it can knock out the power, and even cause other serious damage if it hits something such as a tree, believe me the lightening can get the close. Also the thunder that accompanies it is almost deafening. So, I am not a fan of thunderstorms, and I know the monsoon season is right around to corner.