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Time for gun control


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Here's Joe Scarborough's Stirring Soliloquy On Gun Control
Brett LoGiurato | Dec. 17, 2012, 10:10 AM | 3,599 | 29

MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough opened "Morning Joe" today with a moving, 10-minute monologue in which he urged lawmakers to push for stricter measures on gun control, saying they can "no longer be allowed to defend the status quo."

His soliloquy came in response to the massacre at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn., that killed 20 children and seven other adults. He blamed the influx of mass shootings in the U.S. on a "toxic brew" of a violent popular culture, a mental-health "crisis" and a mix of "combat-style weapons."

Some excerpts of his address below:

"From this day forward, nothing can ever be the same again. We've said this before after Columbine, after Arizona, after Aurora, after so many other numbing hours of murder and massacre. But let this be our true landmark: Let Newtown be the hour after which, in the words of the New Testament, we did all we could do to make all things new. Politicians can no longer be allowed to defend the status quo. They must instead be forced to defend our children. Parents can no longer take "no" for an answer from Washington when the topic turns to protecting our children.

"Though entrenched special interests are going to try to muddy the cause in the coming days, the cause of this sickening mass shooting — like the others — is no longer a mystery to common-sense Americans. And blessedly, there are more common-sense Americans than there are special interests, even if it doesn't always seem that way.
"I say, good luck to the gun lobbyist. Good luck to the Hollywood lawyer who tries to blunt the righteous anger of millions of parents, by hiding behind twisted readings of our Bill of Rights. ... But perhaps, just perhaps, now is the time they start obsessing on how to stop the next attack on a movie theater, or on a shopping mall, or on a college campus, or in our children's first grade classes. The battle we now must fight, the battle we have to win, is for the safety and the sanity of your children and mine. That is a war at home that we must wi

"You know me. I am a conservative Republican who received the NRA's highest ratings over four terms in Congress. I saw this debate over guns as a powerful symbolic struggle between individual rights and government control. And you know what? In the years after Waco and Ruby Ridge, the symbolism of that debate seemed even more powerful to me. But the symbols of that ideological struggle — they've been shattered by the harvest zone from violent, mind-numbing video games and gruesome Hollywood movies that dangerously desensitize those who struggle with mental-health challenges. And then add in military-styled weapons and high-capacity magazines to that equation, and tragedy can never be too far behind. I've always taken a libertarian's approach to Hollywood's First Amendment rights and gun collectors' Second Amendment rights. I stood by those libertarian beliefs.

For the sake of my four children and yours, I choose life, and I choose change. And for the sake of our children, we must do what's right. And for the sake of this great nation that we love, let's pray to God that we do."

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/joe-...ook-shooting-newtown-ct-2012-12#ixzz2FKlN6yMg
It's time for a lot of change, not just with gun control.
I don't know what people are expecting to happen.

The references to "assault weapons" and "combat-style weapons", mean absolutely nothing. A rock could be used as a weapon to assault someone and what a gun looks like has absolutely no effect on its effect. They make .22s that look like ARs; it makes zero difference. And again, take anything the media says with a handful of salt. They've conveniently and very quickly identified the rifle, but I have yet to see a single reference to the handguns. No surprise politics are involved there.

As much as I am in support of guns, I support smart gun laws. Longer waiting periods, deeper background checks including medical history to check for medications or mental issues, and prohibiting guns for people with violent criminal histories.
I don't know what people are expecting to happen.

The references to "assault weapons" and "combat-style weapons", mean absolutely nothing. A rock could be used as a weapon to assault someone and what a gun looks like has absolutely no effect on its effect. They make .22s that look like ARs; it makes zero difference. And again, take anything the media says with a handful of salt. They've conveniently and very quickly identified the rifle, but I have yet to see a single reference to the handguns. No surprise politics are involved there.

As much as I am in support of guns, I support smart gun laws. Longer waiting periods, deeper background checks including medical history to check for medications or mental issues, and prohibiting guns for people with violent criminal histories.

I agree 100%! In my opinion, banning all guns would be ridiculous.
strickter measure just mean more red tape for law abiding citizens. I have no problem with that really , crazy people are not putting their application in and waiting for their gun permit. They will get it some other way. We know the gangs dont have a problem getting their hands on guns. If someone in that office had a concealed carry permit they might have beeen able to pick off the nutjob before he could go after innocent children. just saying.
OMG i am so sick of this issue. Gun control will not solve this problem.
Allowing conceal carry will reduce crime becasue a criminal will not know if someone is packing a gun and will be less likely to attack. Also with this issue and others the people had mental issues and yes guns were obtained legally but lets face it people if someone is hell bent on doing something they will get them illegally if they can not get the legally. Also as you want to sit about this i ask you to all look at your own personal behavior of how many of you have driven drunk in your life or distracted driving. Maybe you didnt kill anybody but more lives are lost yearly to these things than all the school and work shootings. This is a tragic event that has been glorified by the media to try and take guns from normal law abiding citizens that would never come close to doing anything like this. If you want to revamp the process and make it more in depth fine. But please knock it off saying guns should be banned. and as for assault rifles how many are owned legally that are never used in crime. Some people who love guns like to collect them or go shoot them at ranges. People need to stop chastising everyone for the acts of a few mentally unstable people that the parents, school, family did not step up to help or believe the signs that were shown to them
from a friends response to someone on facebook

Hey Suzanne.... I have some interesting information for you..... the Assault Rifles your talking about although they are guns an they do kill... the AR-15 in 5.56 /.223 Caliber was in fact designed to Wound a person not kill them.. this gun came out during Vietnam war and it was designed this way with the thought that if you shoot and wound a solider in war you take 3 people out of the battle because 2 more soldiers carry the wounded guy out of the battle....
OMG i am so sick of this issue. Gun control will not solve this problem.
Allowing conceal carry will reduce crime becasue a criminal will not know if someone is packing a gun and will be less likely to attack. Also with this issue and others the people had mental issues and yes guns were obtained legally but lets face it people if someone is hell bent on doing something they will get them illegally if they can not get the legally. Also as you want to sit about this i ask you to all look at your own personal behavior of how many of you have driven drunk in your life or distracted driving. Maybe you didnt kill anybody but more lives are lost yearly to these things than all the school and work shootings. This is a tragic event that has been glorified by the media to try and take guns from normal law abiding citizens that would never come close to doing anything like this. If you want to revamp the process and make it more in depth fine. But please knock it off saying guns should be banned. and as for assault rifles how many are owned legally that are never used in crime. Some people who love guns like to collect them or go shoot them at ranges. People need to stop chastising everyone for the acts of a few mentally unstable people that the parents, school, family did not step up to help or believe the signs that were shown to them

amen sister
that is everyone is talking about how guns are bad and need to be taken away. Because if you make them all illegal it will solve all the problems because people will not use them anymore. Including the criminals because of course they would not want to do anything that was not leagal
that is everyone is talking about how guns are bad and need to be taken away. Because if you make them all illegal it will solve all the problems because people will not use them anymore. Including the criminals because of course they would not want to do anything that was not leagal

Trying listening to non-rightwing radio for a change.
Just saw this on my local news website. Interesting.

Astorino spokesman: No Westchester gun show next year

WHITE PLAINS — Following Friday’s deadly school shooting in Newtown, Conn., County Executive Rob Astorino has decided the Westchester County Center will not host a gun and knife show in February.“First and foremost, Westchester County mourns with the nation for the families who lost loved ones in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School,†said Ned McCormack, spokesman for the county executive. “The shows in past years were popular and run in a thoroughly professional manner. But at this time as the country grieves the loss of life in Newtown, a contract renewal is not appropriate.â€
How would tighter gun laws prevented this from happening? The kid got them from his mother who obtained them all legally and still would be able to if there were stricter laws like earlier mentioned.

I do think there needs to be tighter gun laws and no need for anyone but the police/military to have any sort of assault type weapons but I don't think that alone will change this.
Timothy mcveigh killed almost 200 and injured almost 700 with a bomb made from fertilizer. Should we make fertilizer illegal? No. Crazy people do crazy things. Banning multiple sporting rifles is not the answer, because the crazies and criminals will still get them and the innocent civilains won't be able to.
Lets manufacture a car that takes up two lanes of traffic ... Cause we can

Then lets have some drivers take over the streets with these two-wide vehicles

Its their right to own them

Screw the rest of the law-abiding drivers who own reasonably sized cars

I want my big **** vehicle . Its my right .

Hell, lets get local clubs organized that take over the streets daily . Its my right . My right to own and operate this vehicle

Sure, it makes no sense ... So what?

Thats hows I imagine the argument of owners of semi-automatic weapons going in their minds. Its all about them . Not as a member of society that must have reasonable give-and-take logic.
Again I ask these things. How many people own assault rifles that do not use them to kill people. Why punish everyone for the few bad seeds compared to the rest.

Those of you that are against guns and assault rifles please answer honestly if you have ever driven drunk or when you had had a few and should not have driven??????????

Because the fact is that you and others like you are way more likely to kill innocent people and children that these crazy lunatics
I have NEVER driven drunk and NEVER will...I would not consider it...owning a handgun is one thing but owning semi-automatic rifles is another....where do you draw the line? What do you plan on doing w/your semi-automatic rifle? Surely you are not going to tell me that you need it to protect yourself? What is wrong with having a simple firearm to protect yourself? Why would anyone who isn't in the military or police, etc. NEED such complicated, sophisticated assault weapons? WHY? Even If someone breaks into your home or whatnot wouldn't a simple handgun be enough to defend yourself or even a hunting rifle? Call me what you will but I just DON"T GET IT! And never will. How many more people have to die before we as americans wake up to this issue?
that is everyone is talking about how guns are bad and need to be taken away. Because if you make them all illegal it will solve all the problems because people will not use them anymore. Including the criminals because of course they would not want to do anything that was not leagal

who is this that is saying this?

We really have to learn that the world is not black and white and no in-between because people who say this are just as out there as the "any gun I want I have the RIGHT to have by law" people.