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Time for gun control

Again...the logic of the NEED for assault weapons.

Andf the conversation goes round and round

Let me ask this..are u comfortable with north korea gaining nuclear weapons ? Logically, their gaining this type of weaponry puts many in peril...just by their mere existance ... not to mention if deployed

the **** argumentsb that get spewed about how a car is a potential weapon...a hammer ...a butter knife...a pillow

Im sick of the **** rhetoric
Of course anything can be a weapon...in the wrong hands...of the wrong minds...at the wrong time

And then there are weapons whose sole existance is to be a weapon ... A killing machine . Period .
According to P&G 5 like coupons in one household is actually WORSE that Weapons of Mass Destruction :sheep1:
Some people like those guns to shoot in ranges and do nothing with them that causes me any concern. The world will not stop making these weapons whether we want or not. I have no problems with stricter checks and balances for people that want guns and maybe a deeper check for those that want assault rifles. The bottom line is yes there are allot of things that turn into weapons and no law change will stop all the violence. People that are set to kill others will find a way.
Everyone is in an uproar for the kids that died and that is understandable but where is the outcry fir all the other deaths each year by gang banger cross fire and average joes that take other peoples lives into their hands cause they drink and then drive. If we are going to focus on issues do it as a whole because there are allot more deaths by other means than these random lunatics that do these senseless things
Some people like those guns to shoot in ranges and do nothing with them that causes me any concern.

Tough . Get a new frickin hobby . Which, btw, is how this a killer got access to this assault rifle. His mom got guns as a HOBBY to shoot at ranges

You might want to re-think what gives you concern...
HEY, forget North Korea...since I have the right to defend myself....I might just build myself one of those nuclear weapons here in IL. It is my ammendment right to bear arms. Looks like I can arm myself to the teeth and should do so.

Want to help? We can each have one.

Now, to come up with the $$!:dance::dance::dance:

Does the WMD store take Kohl's Cash, because I want in if they do!
I want my own cruise missile.

There are plenty of instructions on the 'net on how to build your own for about $5,000 and I have enough land that I could build & launch one without disturbing my neighbors. So why shouldn't I?
well certainly people can make their own bombs if they like.
I am not saying that we should not learn from this experience and grow from it but we need to give this much attention to all the things that are killing more kids and adults than tragedies like this.
The discussion has to be about more than guns, because the issue is about more than guns...

Despite strict gun laws, Chicago shootings soarNewsCNS News by: Gregory Gwyn-Williams, Jr.Tuesday, December 4, 2012

In November of 2011, Chicago recorded 129 shootings compared to the 192 shootings this November. Photo Credit:AP There were 192 shootings in Chicago throughout the month of November — a 49 percent increase from a year earlier — according to police records obtained by the Chicago Tribune.

In November of 2011, Chicago recorded 129 shootings compared to the 192 shootings this November. Police records also reveal that shootings increased more than 11 percent in the first 11 months of 2012 compared with a year earlier. ...

Despite having some of the strictest gun laws in the country, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel plans on restricting gun ownership further by banning individuals with a violent misdemeanor conviction from getting a gun permit for five years.
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Read more: http://times247.com/articles/gun-law-utopia-192-nov-shootings-in-chicago#ixzz2FNNVKLHD

Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill : A Call to Action Against TV, Movie and Video Game Violence [Hardcover]
Dave Grossman (Author)

Book Description
Release Date: October 5, 1999
There is perhaps no bigger or more important issue in America at present than youth violence. Jonesboro; Paducah; Pearl, Mississippi; Stamps, Arkansas; Conyers, Georgia; and, of course, Littleton, Colorado. We know them all too well, and for all the wrong reasons: kids, some as young as eleven years old, taking up arms and, with deadly, frightening accuracy, murdering anyone in their paths. What is going on? According to the authors of Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill, there is blame to be laid right at the feet of the makers of violent video games (called "murder trainers" by one expert), the TV networks, and the Hollywood movie studios--the people responsible for the fact that children witness literally thousands of violent images a day.

Authors Lt. Col. Dave Grossman and Gloria DeGaetano offer incontrovertible evidence, much of it based on recent major scientific studies and empirical research, that movies, TV, and video games are not just conditioning children to be violent--and unaware of the consequences of that violence--but are teaching the very mechanics of killing. Their book is a much-needed call to action for every parent, teacher, and citizen to help our children and stop the wave of killing and violence gripping America's youth. And, most important, it is a blueprint for us all on how that can be achieved.

In Paducah, Kentucky, Michael Carneal, a fourteen-year-old boy who stole a gun from a neighbor's house, brought it to school and fired eight shots at a student prayer group as they were breaking up. Prior to this event, he had never shot a real gun before. Of the eight shots he fired, he had eight hits on eight different kids. Five were head shots, the other three upper torso. The result was three dead, one paralyzed for life. The FBI says that the average, experienced, qualified law enforcement officer, in the average shootout, at an average range of seven yards, hits with less than one bullet in five. How does a child acquire such killing ability? What would lead him to go out and commit such a horrific act?
Yes. Its about more than guns. Absolutely .

But, one of the first things law enforcement tries to do in a precarious situation is to neutralize the potental for harm... And THEN go from there to address the other issues involved

I dont suspect most peeps could expect to have a rational calm conversation while talking with someone who has an ar15 pointed at them while they chat
What do you plan on doing w/your semi-automatic rifle? Surely you are not going to tell me that you need it to protect yourself? What is wrong with having a simple firearm to protect yourself? Why would anyone who isn't in the military or police, etc. NEED such complicated, sophisticated assault weapons?

What is a simple firearm?

And what makes ARs so complicated?
This is a difficult conversation, because everyone's opinion on this will be different. I for one have never shot a gun other than a bbgun when I was younger, but I have been around guns my whole life. My grandpa used to hunt in Missouri and he'd take us shooting in some areas where I always watched. My father does not shoot anymore but owns some rifles because they were my grandpas and he doesn't want to let them go. My husband owns about 5 guns, all locked up, and goes to the shooting range with his brother in law who is a police officer who also hunts. I don't like guns but I don't object to someone owning one legally. I honestly have thought more about going to the shooting range lately even though I don't like guns but if something were to happen I'd want to protect myself.

It is a absolute shame what happened and so many innocent life's were taken.....I think everyone is still in shock about it. But I do believe if someone wants to do harm they will find a way no matter what, whether it be a gun, knife, rock, stick, chain, sword, even fire they will do so. There are evil and there are good, and unfortunately that's our world. I continue to think it is not the weapon that causes these tragedies, but the damaged mind and heart of the person that commits the tragedy. I think the mental illness/health care issue needs to be brought up more. If you have not read the article "I Am Adam Lanza's Mother, It's time to talk about mental illness." you should. I also think violent video games and violent cartoons should be addressed.

Like I said before everyone has an opinion, and I'm not expecting everyone to like or agree with mine. We all hope and pray something like this will not happen again but realistically we can't stop it. I wish we could but unfortunately there will always be some sort of crime and there will always be some sort evil in our world.
This is a difficult conversation, because everyone's opinion on this will be different. I for one have never shot a gun other than a bbgun when I was younger, but I have been around guns my whole life. My grandpa used to hunt in Missouri and he'd take us shooting in some areas where I always watched. My father does not shoot anymore but owns some rifles because they were my grandpas and he doesn't want to let them go. My husband owns about 5 guns, all locked up, and goes to the shooting range with his brother in law who is a police officer who also hunts. I don't like guns but I don't object to someone owning one legally. I honestly have thought more about going to the shooting range lately even though I don't like guns but if something were to happen I'd want to protect myself.

It is a absolute shame what happened and so many innocent life's were taken.....I think everyone is still in shock about it. But I do believe if someone wants to do harm they will find a way no matter what, whether it be a gun, knife, rock, stick, chain, sword, even fire they will do so. There are evil and there are good, and unfortunately that's our world. I continue to think it is not the weapon that causes these tragedies, but the damaged mind and heart of the person that commits the tragedy. I think the mental illness/health care issue needs to be brought up more. If you have not read the article "I Am Adam Lanza's Mother, It's time to talk about mental illness." you should. I also think violent video games and violent cartoons should be addressed. :shesaid:

Like I said before everyone has an opinion, and I'm not expecting everyone to like or agree with mine. We all hope and pray something like this will not happen again but realistically we can't stop it. I wish we could but unfortunately there will always be some sort of crime and there will always be some sort evil in our world.
Yes. Its about more than guns. Absolutely .

But, one of the first things law enforcement tries to do in a precarious situation is to neutralize the potental for harm... And THEN go from there to address the other issues involved

I dont suspect most peeps could expect to have a rational calm conversation while talking with someone who has an ak15 pointed at them while they chat

But that's the thing... I don't think those conversations will happen. Do you think Hollywood, etc will be willing to tone down violence in movies, videos, songs, games? Do you think govt will be willing to tell them to? They're huge moneymakers. I'm all for strict screening and waiting periods and background checks, but someone who really wants a gun will get one, or use something else.

Look at Chicago's record.... very strict gun control laws and increased shootings... probably no serious discussion of the underlying issues or attempts to do something about them.

I think without addressing the whole moral state of our culture, we will have solved nothing.

I absolutely agree that WAY more needs to be done (if there even is a solution)....I don't even say take all guns away.

I say you don't need a gun that DESTROYS a body....or rips agiant hole out of someone...in order to play guns at the range....OR hunt a deer.

You don't need a cruise missle to shoot quail.

And if anyone is reallyreallyreally so obsessed with protection of property that they need an arsenal to sleep at night (an ARSENAL)...maybe they are a LITTLE too paranoid to own one anyway. just saying....

As I've said before, I know nothing about guns, but it would appear that a lot of other people don't either.... I don't mean you, Barb... I mean a lot of people in general, myself totally included...LOF explained "semiautomatic" in simple terms in a post in the other thread... it is very easy to listen to the news and each other and have very little knowledge about the differences and actually understand that difference... but I'm trying.

Much more in this article here...


"...‘Semiautomatic’ isn’t really a useful descriptor
The Times writes:
AR-15s are not the only weapons used by rampaging shooters. Semiautomatic handguns are also frequently employed.
Again, “semiautomatic†mostly means “not automatic.†You pull the trigger on a semiauto gun like an AR-15, and one bullet comes out. You pull it again, and another bullet comes out. Unlike a single-shot gun, you don’t need to **** it or load it after each shot.
And semiauto is the norm. As Al Tompkins at Poynter puts it:
The use of the phrase semi-automatic when talking about guns is like using the phrase “gasoline cars.â€
Using this term is almost useless, unless you’re talking about to outlawing most handguns that are used today...."

"...The AR-15 is not an “assault rifleâ€
Assault weapon/assault rifle, what’s the difference?
One is a meaningless term, as I explained above. The other is a precise term that doesn’t apply to the AR-15 – despite the Times’ article’s suggestion connecting the two. Also, â€assault rifle†describes guns that are already illegal — because they are automatic — and basically never used in murders.
The Pentagon defines the term “assault rifle,†and David Kopel quotes that definition in an article in the Journal of Contemporary Law. He writes:
As the United States Defense Department’s Defense Intelligence Agency bookSmall Arms Identification and Operation Guide explains, “assault rifles†are “short, compact, selective-fire weapons that fire a cartridge intermediate in power between submachine gun and rifle cartridges.â€[21] In other words, assault rifles are battlefield rifles which can fire automatically.[22]
Weapons capable of fully automatic fire, including assault rifles, have been regulated heavily in the United States since the National Firearms Act of 1934.[23] Taking possession of such weapons requires paying a $200 federal transfer tax and submitting to an FBI background check, including ten-print fingerprints.

The Times article implies that the “assault weapons ban,†which banned the AR-15, would ban “assault rifles.†But assault rifles, which are automatic, are already banned. Again, the Times cites these facts only as an opinion “argued†by “Defenders of the firearm....."

Me trying to understand guns is like me trying to understand cars... I DON'T and I don't WANT to, but it would appear to my feeble/doesn't understand gun talk mind that the guns many people are enraged about already ARE illegal. I've been reading up on the Assault Weapons Ban also... it seems to have been too full of loopholes to be meaningful, but I hate to offer opinions without knowing more facts. No, I don't think you need a cruise missile to shoot quail either, but what exactly do people use... i don't know.

Again, I think stricter laws about checking someone who wants to purchase one absolutely makes sense. Yes, gun owners should be responsible and lock them up, but it's impossible to police everything people do.

It's also impossible to know when, why, how something will tip a kid without a police record to commit one of the most horrible crimes in US history. Yes, mental health issues need to be addressed. But is it possible to figure out ahead of time that this kid, whose mom "can't control him" will grow out of that awkward teenage rebellious behavior and that one, whose mom "can't control him" will snap and become a mass murderer?... I don't know how we do that.

I am not against guns, as I think I have made clear. But I dont think the right to bear arms means no laws around that right.

However, the Chicago part of this discussion is so much bigger than guns and as someone who is out there and part of a church who is out there actually on the street corners, on 35th Avenue after school when police are at every corner making sure kids get home from school safe, someone who prays for my pastor each morning because he is out there boldly walking to meet these young people and show them another way, someone who belongs to a church that is HOUSED in CPS while others scream bring prayer back into school like you cant pray in school and we do each week, and are in school daily (that is actually our charge for this coming year for each member to take one vacation day and go into the CPS schools to do SOMETHING).

It pisses me off that NOW all of a sudden we want to talk about the innocent kids killed in Chicago daily because they are an easy scape goat for the reason behind keeping guns on the street.

Not directed at you Mary, just tired of it on the news and everywhere else. No one really cared about these kids like that. It was just the news of the day and a picture of them was posted and that was it. Those boys, because most of them are little boys who have those guns, shouldn't be used as a justification for not having stricter gun laws. Go through the Wild hundreds, 35th Ave after school one day, the west side and realize that the problem is that we as Americans want to sit back and act like we do not have a refugee camp sit up in out backyard that these kids live in daily and have for decades.

P.S. The Chicago strict gun law is not really strict, it is just paper. New York actually has strict gun laws that are enforced.
I know little about firearms in general

But, ill take my lead from the survivors and family of victims of mass shootings. Their position on it is what I will always most relate to because , by and large, they are you...me...and the average citizen

On piers morgan cnn show last night, several were there from the aurora shooting. I listen to them, foremost, and learn. It is the least I can do to truly understand the impact of these devastating events. And their opinions on gun bans never waiver and are unanimous.

When they, who have lived thru and with the unimaginable, speak, their voices must be heard . Everything else becomes rhetoric to me
We can't. What we can do is make the idea of a rampage like this unattractive to shooters. If they know there is a possibility of someone with a carry permit shooting them and interrupting their rampage, many would re-think.

I for one would happily accept every one of our schools being gated, secured, and protected by a trained, armed security force, whether it be paid staff or volunteer dads/moms/grandmas/grandpas. Visibly seeing Pa Joe (or Pa Chaim, this practice is universal in Israel) walking the perimeter with his rifle is a likely turnoff for a crazed shooter.

Before any solution can even be discussed, we must collectively admit as Americans that our country is just as unsafe as any other country, and we have to take security steps to protect our children from the loonies.

Lastly - the increase in gun violence is directly tied to the switch in treatment of mental illness from talk/physical therapy to pharamacology. Psychotropic drugs create suicides, that is proven by the warnings on every psychotropic drug. Is a short step from suicide to homicide, and in the end for most shooters, the same suicidal result writ large.

As a population our physical exercise has exponentially decreased, we do not in any way have to be responsible for our own survival, the government is there to take care of everything, and we have many many hours per day to simply fill our heads with empty entertainment, most of it violent or deviant. Such populations throughout history always follow this arc.
Why is it that animal shelters look at the entire household when determining whether or not it is a safe environment to adopt a pet into the household, but someone can buy a gun & bring it into a home that may have someone who should not be within 1,000 ft of a gun?

Why do we protect animals more than we protect other people?
Why is it that animal shelters look at the entire household when determining whether or not it is a safe environment to adopt a pet into the household, but someone can buy a gun & bring it into a home that may have someone who should not be within 1,000 ft of a gun?

Why do we protect animals more than we protect other people?

Well, what would be the criteria for a safe environment?

Half of police are on some type of antidepressant (understandable). Nearly all military personnel when discharged have some type of mental issue. All this yelling about restricting gun ownership to police & military - got news for you, they are just as disturbed and fallible as the rest of us. Much harder to spot the true problems though, because of their brotherhood codes of protection.

So, who sets the criteria? Who decides?
Israelis serve in an organized government trained military and then into the military reserves. It is like the National Guard here, they are not just folks walking around with guns. There is discipline & required training.

It is precisely what our forefathers meant when they talked about a militia, not Jane or Jack Doe packing firepower walking around town.
I am totally behind having that type of compulsive service and training here. In high school, I lived in a very rural country heavy hunting area. We had hunter safety in K-8 and high school, it was compulsory. Household gun ownership was about 75 pct. The only gun accidents were from out-of-towners, and there was no homicidal gun violence of any type, at all, in the 6 years I lived there.

Taking away guns is not the answer. Ignorance of and hiding from danger is not the answer. Acceptance of danger and training in proper response to it is.