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Tired Of MY Big Mouth? If So, Here's Your Chance..

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Joe just so there is no miscount (hanging Chad) I will reiterate and clarify!

It is silly for you to even make such a statement (or challenge) for several reasons!

1. The position one takes in a debate does not and should not have any effect on the forum that debate takes place in nor the board itself!

2. Even though you are so wrong on so many levels in the Sound Choice debate :sqwink: it doesn't change the contributions you make in many other areas of the Karaoke forum!

3. You have let your position blind you to what is actually being said in that debate both with many of the other board members and Kurt as well! Stop and take a breath when reading and realize that we aren't your enemy!

4. I have always considered you a friend both here and on "the other board", and while I may disagree with a friend from time to time, I never stop being their friend!

5. While Rick is right (on some subjects) that i may switch my position just for the sake of the argument, the Sound Choice issue is not one of them!:sqbiggrin:

6. No one wants you to leave ODJT, this forum or even this debate, but many of us would love to see you pull your horns in and at least see you debate from a position of common sense!

I do have a lot of experience in civil court (regardless of anyone wanting to believe it or not) including some in the federal arena and unless someone has knowledge of how that system works they will never understand why Sound Choice HAS to do things the way they are doing them!

To answer your question!

No I do not want to see you leave!
Thunder said:
Joe juat so there is no miscount (hanging Chad) I will reiterate and clarify!


No I do not want to see you leave!

Fixed that for you -- you sure are long winded -- maybe you should be a politician, instead of a wannabe singer... :sqlaugh: :rofl:
:sqlaugh:Up yours Rick!:sqlaugh:

Spent too much time in the courtroom around verbose lawyers!
Thunder said:
:sqlaugh:Up yours Rick!:sqlaugh:

No, I think for the time being it's up Chuck's :sqlaugh::rofl::sqlaugh::rofl::sqlaugh:
I just want to know why you didn't use the built in poll function of this board. Don't you know how to use the "internets" ya luddite? :sqlaugh:
SoftJock Rick said:
Ok -- was it good for you too...? :sqlaugh: :rofl:


Rick found a new place to launch his Rockit. Cape Chuck located in Hawaii.
no...if the forums here are not a place for all sides to be voice...why have the boards. I agree with the right to disagree...Stay
I don't care! If you want to stay-stay and if you want to leave-leave! It is a silly thread anyway that is looking for a :tcry: Let's start a Bose/Mackie debate...:toothy4:

I have no idea what this thread is about so I actually have no idea what I just said...:yomoon:
NO - do not leave. You have an opinion... I just wish you would try to take a step back and see the big picture.. Sound Choice is doing what they have to and what many of we KJ's asked them to do. The actions of Sound Choice cost me literally hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of several years. They have apologized for they way they handled that and we have moved on..

Read the 1st post. KJAthena was approached (like all the others were). She did the audit and now she supports what Sound Choice is doing. They were very accommodating and very fair. My disc collection was a bit large to do an audit so I posted a 2 part video on youtube and SoundChoice accepted that. They were very fair with me.

Many of the people saying they are getting screwed over are hiding the truth.. Sound Choice worked their butts off trying to contact them. All of them were investigated the same way and in the end simply responding will make it go away if you prove you are legal.. Then the next day they will get rid of some of your illegal competition.

There is no way that it is not fair. Please quit trying to twist everything around. If someone stole your life's work and sold it everywhere and ruined your finances and were on the verge of killing your entire industry wouldn't you want to fix it.. That is what they are doing.
Hell No Joe......

Stay right where you are and don't touch that dial......
Say it ain't so, Joe. :eek:

Oh wait. That's the vice prez. :D

If it's any help, I'd prefer to see you stay on with us. :)
Chuck The DJ said:
I think everyone needs to fu#king relax, chill out, get mellow and have sex with whatever you enjoy having sex with.....

So do that, stay and post pics when you are done.... :)

Microwaved Bagels
SoftJock Rick said:
Ok -- was it good for you too...? :sqlaugh: :rofl:


And I thought you were celibate! :sqlaugh::sqlaugh: :rofl::rofl: :sqlaugh::sqlaugh:
ahoustondj said:
And I thought you were celibate! :sqlaugh::sqlaugh: :rofl::rofl: :sqlaugh::sqlaugh:

Yes, but the biggest question is; Where has Chuck's finger been ????:sqlaugh::rofl::sqlaugh::rofl::sqlaugh:
SoftJock Rick said:
Ok -- was it good for you too...? :sqlaugh: :rofl:


That may well be the scariest thing I've ever seen....:sqerr:

Never thought Rick would find BALD attractive.....:sqlaugh::rofl::sqlaugh:
JoeChartreuse said:
That may well be the scariest thing I've ever seen....:sqerr:

Never thought Rick would find BALD attractive.....:sqlaugh::rofl::sqlaugh:

If you are celibate long enough everything becomes a target, in essence one becomes the shot gun that shoot's at everything that shows a sign of life :sqlaugh::rofl::sqlaugh::rofl::sqlaugh:
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