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TNA Victory Road


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Will take place on March 18, 2012 at the Impact Wrestling Zone in Orlando, Florida.

TNA has set a TV Title match for the Victory Road pay-per-view. Robbie E. will defend the belt in an open challenge. Here is the updated card for Sunday's TNA Victory Road card…

No Holds Barred Match:
Sting vs. TNA Champion Bobby Roode

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy

AJ Styles and Mr. Anderson vs. Christopher Daniels and Kazarian

Bully Ray vs. James Storm

TNA X Division Championship:
Austin Aries (c) vs. Zema Ion

TNA Tag Team Championships:
Samoa Joe and Magnus (c's) vs. Matt Morgan and Crimson

Robbie E. open challenge for the TNA TV Championship

TNA Knockouts Championship:
Gail Kim (c) vs. Madison Rayne


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I'm not a big wresling fan, but I'll try to check this out if possible. The only wresler I know is The Undertaker, that's about it. I'm not even sure if he fits in with the wresling event you're talking about.
I'm not a big wresling fan, but I'll try to check this out if possible. The only wresler I know is The Undertaker, that's about it. I'm not even sure if he fits in with the wresling event you're talking about.

The Undertaker is in the WWE.
This is TNA lol. TNA has a few Ex-WWE stars like Kurt Angle, Hulk Hogan.
Not sure if you know any though.
I have not been paying attention to TNA since hogan turned face I really don't know what has happened since then lol. I hope sting and Ric Flair stay around for a good while longer and just do a bit less in ring work just due to them both being legendary, basiclly the only reason i watch TNA is hogan sting and flair and scott steiner.

Kind Regard's

Looks like this is going to get interesting. I'll be sure to watch it whenever it's on. Ive always been a pretty big Sting fan.
I know sting is ancient like Hogan or Flair. But come on, he's still old enough to the point that he shouldn't be doing any ring work. He's like second generation old lol.
Watched last weeks impact, the Sting Bobby Roode feud is quite good. It is helping roodes status as a heel and getting him very over.
Is it just me, or does TNA feel like the old WCW? Not that it's a bad thing mind you.
Didn't know sting was still around lol. pretty cool
lol not only is he still around, but compared to most of the other old timers, he doesn't look like he's aged much...even though he has lol

And he's still got something left in the tank. I do like his Joker like character, adds a different dimension to him. TA TA FOR NOW!
And he's still got something left in the tank. I do like his Joker like character, adds a different dimension to him. TA TA FOR NOW!

Personally, I respect Sting the most out of almost all the old wrestlers. He's the ONE old timer that Vince Mcmahon was never able to get his greedy hands on.
Personally, I respect Sting the most out of almost all the old wrestlers. He's the ONE old timer that Vince Mcmahon was never able to get his greedy hands on.

He was very very close in signing Sting on a few occasions though, even Sting has admitted it himself.

It was a shame that we'll never see a Sting vs Undertaker WM match, a few years ago that could have been epic, truly epic.
He was very very close in signing Sting on a few occasions though, even Sting has admitted it himself.

It was a shame that we'll never see a Sting vs Undertaker WM match, a few years ago that could have been epic, truly epic.

I admit, seeing Sting take on the Undertaker would have been great. But if it meant him going to Vince's greedy hands then no thank you.
TNA is more entertaining than WWE if you ask me, so I look forward to total Sting domination :D
Source: EWN

TNA Victory Road Opener:

The show opens with a video package highlighting the main feuds heading into tonight, especially the return of Sting to the ring to take on Bobby Roode in a No Holds Barred match.

After the video package, the pyro hits and Mike Tenay welcomes us to the PPV. He begins hyping the main event before talking a couple of things over with his broadcast partner, Taz.

- Bully Ray’s music hits, and the big man makes his way down to the ring quickly, grabbing the mic and telling the sound man to shut his music off. Ray paces around angrily before sending a referee to the back.

The crowd chants that they want Devon. Ray doesn’t look too amused with this. Ray asks the crowd if they know who he is. He asks the question again. The crowd lets him know what they think by chanting “you suck”. He says that he’s Bully Ray, and as of right now, he’s the talk of the wrestling world. He says as of right now, he’s trending worldwide on Twitter. He says he’s trending, not because he’s the toughest man in wrestling, not because he’s calf-zilla, but because he’s taken the PPV hostage.

Ray says that tonight the people in the crowd will get nothing. They only get a PPV if Ray gets what he wants. And what he wants, is for his match with James Storm to be for the #1 Contendership at Lockdown. He doesn’t care if wrestlers come down, security, referees, or police, he will beat the crap out of anyone who tries to remove him from the ring until he gets what he wants. He stands in the ring for a minute before James Storm’s music hits.

Storm makes his way out to the ring with a mic in one hand and a beer in the other. He says there are a lot of beer drinkers in Orlando tonight. He calls Bully’s legs “chicken legs”. He says Bully talks about how no one’s going to be able to remove him from the ring, but Storm says it’ll be really easy to remove him after Storm knocks him out with his right foot. Storm says they’re scheduled later on for their match, and Ray wants it to be for the #1 Contendership. Storm says he’ll give it to him, and right now.
Bully Ray vs. James Storm

Storm heads into the ring and the match is on right away as Ray ambushes Storm and beats on him in the corner, taking him from corner to corner and beating on him. Ray grabs Storm’s beer and takes a swig, but he turns around into a last call superkick. Storm goes for the pin and gets the three count, and this one is already over!

Winner: James Storm

Following the match, Storm celebrates in the ring before posing for the crowd, and making his way to the back. Storm yells to the referee to get him out of the ring.


Jeremy Borash is backstage with Austin Aries. He says they’re taking questions over Twitter for all their guests backstage tonight. He’s got a question that asks when will Sting smarten up and let Aries main event a PPV. Eric Bischoff breaks in and asks if JB is really here? He tries to send Borash away. Borash asks if Bischoff’s name is Dixie Carter, but Bischoff does eventually send him away. Bischoff grabs the mic and sings Aries’ praises. He apologizes for Aries having to spend any time with Borash. He asks him the question over again. Aries says he doesn’t have to be the last match of the evening to be the main event. He’s always the main event. Bischoff and Aries pat each other on the back for a bit before shaking hands.
X Division Title Match
Zema Ion vs. Austin Aries
The bell rings and Aries and Ion get in each others faces. Ion slaps Aries. Aries charges, but Ion bails to the outside. Ion makes his way back into the ring, and stays in the ropes when Aries charges in. Ion grabs his hairspray can and gives himself a quick spritz. Ion catches Aries with a boot to the gut before floating over Aries in the corner repeatedly. Aries grabs Ion’s hairspray and takes a break in the corner, to Ion’s chagrin. Ion charges and Aries catches him in a roll up for two. Aries slaps Ion across the face and hits him with a couple clubbing blows, but Ion rolls to the apron. Ion heads up to the top turnbuckle, and Aries simply shoves him off to the floor.
Aries hits the heat seeking missile, sending Ion into the barricade hard. Aries pulls a phone out and Tweets a message out before handing his phone off to So Cal Val. Aries sends Ion back into the ring and hits a slingshot senton and lionsault, but can’t keep Ion down. Aries hits a snap mare and follows with a missile dropkick to the back from the second rope, but it’s still not enough for three. Aries puts Ion down to the mat and calls for the pendulum elbow, but Ion rolls to the apron. Ion pulls Aries out of the ring, forcing him to the floor. Ion goes to the middle, but Aries slides in the ring and punches him in the face. Aries tries to suplex Ion into the ring, but Ion counters it.
Ion stomps at Aries face before choking him in the ropes. Aries hits Ion with a couple of chops and shots to the gut, but Ion jumps into the corner and comes out with a twisting body press for two. Ion takes Aries into the corner and buries his shoulder in Aries’ gut before sending him across the ring hard. Ion goes for the pin but only gets one. Ion rips at Aries’ face, but Aries fights back, avoiding a belly to back suplex. Ion hits Aries with a back elbow before clotheslining him over the top and out to the floor. Ion goes out to the apron and launches himself from the second rope with a moonsault to the outside on top of Aries.
Ion picks Aries up and shoves him back into the ring, slowly going for the pin. Aries is able to kick out at two. Ion goes for the pin again, but still can’t hold the champ down. Ion stomps at Aries face before calling for the pendulum elbow. Ion mocks Aries, but takes too much time and misses the elbow. Aries hits Ion with an inverted atomic drop before beating on Ion non-stop in the corner. The ref pulls him out of the corner and Ion shoves the hairspray in his trunks. Aries hits Ion with a huge roaring elbow. Ion backdrops Aries to the arpon, but Aries comes back into the ring and hits a kneebreaker/suplex combo. Aries hits the pendulum elbow and goes for the pin, but Ion kicks out.
Aries picks Ion up and goes for a suplex, but Ion is able to counter. Ion digs in his tights for the can, but Aries hits him with a knee to the gut. Aries charges Ion in the corner but eats a big boot. Ion grabs the title, but it’s grabbed away by the referee. Aries goes for the corner dropkick, but Ion uses the hairspray, and rolls up Aries. Aries kicks out. Ion hits a giant suplex and goes for another pin but Aries is still able to kick out. Ion charges Aries in the corner with a spear, before seating him on the top turnbuckle.
Ion follows Aries up in the corner and tries for a superplex, but Aries counters with a sunset flip bomb, taking Ion to the canvas hard. Aries is still blinded, struggling around the ring. He finds Ion and hits the brainbuster before rolling through into the last chancery. Ion is forced to tap out.
Winner and STILL TNA X Division Champion: Austin Aries