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To cheat or not to cheat, that is the question

Hrm. Well. I've cheated once, where I was the one cheating, and I wrote him a letter explaining things the next day and breaking it off with him. (He was in the Army at the time, and it was just a poopy relationship all around. He wobbled back and forth between me and his ex-gf: proposing to me, then dumping me two months later for her, sleeping with me - SUCH a mistake - while he was with her, etc.). I didn't feel too bad about it.

And, as stated above, I was the one he cheated with while he was with her. (Stupid, stupid, stupid me. Oh, well. We learn from the past, right?)

"Scars are souvenirs you never lose." ~ GooGoo Dolls
No no. I didn't mean to discredit what you have to say because I found nothing in the bible that suggests that you must wait until marriage. I personally wonder where these leaders get this info from. Sorry if I misworded what I said.

Anyway, I was refering to a part of the bible that talks about the fact that "fornicators, ****mongers," and etc are not allowed in the kingdom of God. I, too, am unsure of the exact definition of the word, except that it refers to "sinful" sexual behavior. My question is...what is "sinful" sexual behavior? Sorry I can't do any better

What you have to say is rather interesting IMHO.

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

I'm just a quick pee. - liltaz, fastest pee in the West!

That which does not make me barf, makes me stronger - possum37, fugly.net guru.

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">This message has been edited by JHowse on January 04, 2001 at 12:50 PM</font>
Yes we do, mth...as they say, experience is the best teacher...

Alien: ...I mean, your **** makes a noise...that's just...disturbing
any bad experience can be the best teacher if you learn from it. as well with the good experiences. But if you don't... ohhh well i guess you'll repeat your choices. Good ones you won't mind. but the bad ones Yucky tweey blahhhh

"MHPBILUS till my last days of breathing.