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Today was my mother's birthday


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Today was my mother's birthday... and as I remember my mother I keep flashing back on one memory in particular this morning: the day I came out to her. My mother was the first member of my family that I told (it's hard to believe that it's been almost 20 years ago now)... and I was terrified. I'd had a close friend in college named Cesar whose parents had disowned him when he told them. He almost hadn't graduated because they had withdrawn financial support and, as far as I know, never really spoke to him again. I couldn't bare the thought of losing my mother, but I knew that withholding this part of my life was just another way of losing her, so I told her I had something to tell her, that it was difficult for me, and might be difficult for her, but I had to. She sat with me, told me I could tell her anything and quietly waited... and I just couldn't do it. I was so scared, and the tears streamed down my face and I started to shake and the words just wouldn't come and she sat with me and told me it would be alright and I should go ahead and I just couldn't. And finally she wiped away my tears, took my hands in hers and leaned in really close and looked me square in the eye and said: "You KNOW your father and I would NEVER do what Cesar's parents did. Now what do you have to tell me Stephen?" And so finally I told her, and she held me and told me she loved me and that it would be alright, that she knew it would be hard and she was afraid for me and how other people would treat me, but she knew I was strong and knew that in the end I would be alright. Everywhere my mother went she found people and loved them fiercely, she loved in a way that filled people with hope and drove away their fear. She was an amazing woman. Happy Birthday Mom! I miss you.

:cry1: your mother sounds like she was an amazing woman
Jeez Steve I'm crying with you.

Happy birthday to your mom, she sounds amazing. <3
Okay, that made me cry! She sounds like a wonderful Mother, and I feel bad for those who have not found understanding, support and unconditional love as that is what being a parent is all about.
The world could use a lot more people like your mom.
Your mother was simply amazing! She had all the qualities of a perfect mother! :huggy:
what a wonderful testament to her love for you and your love for her, remembering her and holding her memory up in gratitude.

wonderful love.

thank you for sharing.


Happy birthday to your mother, Steve
HUGS Steve, I'm sorry, I have no words...she was a wonderful person.
This made me cry. What a great mom! I can't imagine parents disowning their own child. To disown seems selfish, arrogant and unloving.
Where's the goosebumpy smilie?!
Thanks for sharing
Thanks everyone. In retrospect it seems a little silly, but it really didn't occur to me that today would be so difficult...
Thanks everyone. In retrospect it seems a little silly, but it really didn't occur to me that today would be so difficult...

It's not silly at all! Her reaction to your "outing" could have really changed your path. She was a loving woman and you've greatly benefitted from the impact she had on your life. :flowers:
It's not silly at all! Her reaction to your "outing" could have really changed your path. She was a loving woman and you've greatly benefitted from the impact she had on your life. :flowers:


Someone must have hacked mrsmom's account.

BTW, she is spot on.

Someone must have hacked mrsmom's account.

BTW, she is spot on.

:lol: :bow:

Oh and WTF?! Do you think I hate on "the ****"? :tap: