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Top Apps (Phones/Tablets)


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What App(s) do you use the most on your phone or tablet?

Daily... my alarm clock, gmail, "easy money" (bill reminder and bank balance), an ereader app, Pandora and a few games.

Some other cool ones I love are "Stumbleupon", "shazaam", netflix, and "gasbuddy"
I love iBooks, though the only thing I read on it is Edgar Alan Poe.

Other than that I use my Facebook app, PayPal, Amazon, and Kingdoms At War.
I use it as an alarm, ovi store for downloading stuffs.
It's paid app, but you'll be amazed about what it will do.
If you are ebook reader, this app is really good
I use my phone for everything but the apps i use most often are probably Evernote, Zumocast, Dropbox and my flashlight app
welp, i use "Aldiko" for .epub's and .pdf's and "coolreader" for .mobi's, but just stumbled across a reader called "moon+" that seems like a major bite off aldiko, but looks ok nonetheless lol..although, i'm not quite sure if it supports both epubs and mobis yet, but we'll see...hmm..other than that, words w/ friends, pandora, tune-in (for local radio stations), wikipedia, cnet news, rhymezone, soundcloud, juicedefender, tTorrent, es file explorer, avg, seekdroid, dolphin hd and opera round out my "top apps" line up ;]
Do you have kids?

If so, how many? If not, do you want them at all?

I'd love to have 2, max 3.
Nope, I don't have any kids and I don't think I'll have kids for a long time. Part of me doesn't want to have kids because a lot of the ones I'm around are terrible little monsters. Still, at times I think it would be pretty cool to have a son at some point.
As of now, no. ( Would it be normal for a 19 year old person to have kids?). I would like some actually, two sons, two daughters. I do want kids.. but not now. you know what I mean?
Napalm said:
Would it be normal for a 19 year old person to have kids?

I know of a few chicks who had kids at 18, but I don't think that it's normal for someone to have kids that young.

I don't think many in our age group are wanting/willing to have kids yet ... but broken condoms and drunk sloppy condomless sex happens.
Have two boys.
They will be 34 years old in September.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
Bex said:
If so, how many? If not, do you want them at all?

I'd love to have 2, max 3.
I have two kids. My Daughter is 13 and my son is 11. You can have them if you want :D . Truly you can lol.
Napalm said:
( Would it be normal for a 19 year old person to have kids?)
Totally normal in my county! Everyone here gets married and pops out as many kids as possible as fast as they can.

I think this is a hold-over from a few hundred years ago and further back to our cave-man ancestors when the life expectancy was 30 years of age or less. My brother says if people waited until they were old to have kids, stronger genetics would get passed on. But who could say?

Kids don't fit into my plan, never have. I just want to lead a quiet humble existence somewhere and that environment might not be conducive to raising a well adjusted family.

Our generation's 20's (for me and my peers) are all about adventures and exploring the world, a time to grow and learn. It would have been a shame if I had tied myself down with kids and credit and bills and real jobs. F that stuff, I refuse to buy into that hogwash, there are other ways to live and be.

Anyways, to answer the question yes. If my megan wants to be a mother I would father her children happily.
I came home from work 2 months ago to my girlfriend holding a new puppy. Based on that experience alone I don't think I am ready for a kid. The puppy is a handful I can only imagine a child.
Kids are a handful but well worth it. Though at times mine try my patience.

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ThePrologue said:
I came home from work 2 months ago to my girlfriend holding a new puppy. Based on that experience alone I don't think I am ready for a kid. The puppy is a handful I can only imagine a child.
What kind of puppy? :p
ThePrologue said:
I came home from work 2 months ago to my girlfriend holding a new puppy. Based on that experience alone I don't think I am ready for a kid. The puppy is a handful I can only imagine a child.
I have a rot. She's five years old. I also have a tabby cat. It's true, even with kids. They may be a handful but well worth it. Me and my pets have had many laughs together, happy memories indeed.
(What? I get lonely..)