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Toughest Professional Sport

I wasn't shocked to see that everyone was saying MMA. I don't understand why everyone thinks that, the hit each other a total of maybe 15 times then the rest of time they lay on the mat and hug! Hockey now there is a tough sport, guys missing teeth, skating at 15 mph, with razor blades on your feet, several players are encouraged to foul, and they train just as hard if not harder than any other sport.
I wasn't shocked to see that everyone was saying MMA. I don't understand why everyone thinks that, the hit each other a total of maybe 15 times then the rest of time they lay on the mat and hug! Hockey now there is a tough sport, guys missing teeth, skating at 15 mph, with razor blades on your feet, several players are encouraged to foul, and they train just as hard if not harder than any other sport.

LOL at this nonsense. It's fine if you don't like the sport but you don't have to be a jackass; give credit where credit's due.

They lay and hug? Sure and they get bloody because they romp around too hard eh? Oh no, I broke a nail from all this wrasslin'. Hockey is tough but you can say the same thing...oh it's just toothless Canadians that hold each other against the boards and then when they fight throw 2 punches and get broken up when they go to ground.
Never said Nascar requires more training and athleticism but you need to be tough as nails to drive a car. I would rather get hit by Ray Lewis than slam into a wall at 200 MPH. If Nascar (racing in general) isn't tough, then why do so many major injuries and deaths occur? Name the last dead NFL player who was laid out on the field?

This is about the toughest sport; not the most athletic. I would say bull riding is up there as one of the toughest sports also.

Knuckles, I’m sure you knew that I would agree with you about the bull riding and Nascar, LOL.

But by the same token, I think that every sport is demanding and taxing in it’s own right. And as JohnDoe and some others have pointed out, each requires its own very unique set of skills.

(I also believe that everyone has his/her own definition of “tough”.)
Nascar. A lot of people don't realize that these guys sit in the car for 3+ hours in 100+ degree heat. Drivers have reported losing 10 or more pounds in 1 race. This and the power of the car they need to control and the force coming down on their chest and shoulders (3Gs of resistance on every turn). They need to be able to move cars within inches of the wall without crashing. Very heart pounding stuff.

I have to agree, there are sports out there that are very physical demanding even though they do not appear to be so. Also having to be focused for 3 hours straight, no breaks, and one bad move could can certainly ruin your day.
While maybe there are "tougher" sports, technically the hardest sport to go pro in is golf. There are less golfers that are able to make a living at it than any other sport including Nascar. Only 125 players each year retain their players card for the PGA Tour. Now there is the European Tour and other mini tours, but for only 125 players to be invited back each year for the PGA is pretty incredible.
probably mma or any other kind of martial arts. the sport requires insane amounts of dedication and willpower to be the best, not to mention the physical ordeals the fighters have to undertake both in and out of the ring
Bodybuilding. You need a lot of confidence, motivation and you need to be mentally strong to achieve your goals. Eating like a beast, working out till your bones collapse, that is what makes bodybuilding one of the most difficult sports.
MMA would be the toughest for me. You have to go through lots and lots of training, and then you're punched, twisted and tackled during the real thing.
The endurance, technique, strength and mentality you must have to compete in MMA is crazy.
I forgot to mention Bull fighting, those guys are just nut's. And I wasn't being a jackass. That's really how I feel about MMA they advertise this as some primitive/warrior battle royal and the hit each other a few times and then lay on the mat and wrap their legs around each other until the round is over. At least they actually fight in hockey and all while standing on two razor blades.
MMA is tough for sure, but honestly, I couldn't choose one single sport. Soccer is really hard too, you need agility as well as stamina. Speed racing needs a lot of concentration and stamina (!) too. Different people would answer differently to this question. I guess it always depends on who you ask.
Yachting - if you have never tried it then you should... you will feel like you went 12 rounds with Vitali, got thrown from an F1 car, hit by tables, ladders and chairs - and then you have to cope with possible drowning.

I'm glad it's only once a year on vacation lol
When it comes to going pro, every sport is too hard. Everything is tough, one can not compare any of them