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Tribune Article about couponing....

Rachel knows that the general trib reading audience isn't necessarily you guys :)
The Trib is best used for keeping the coupons dry on the driveway when it's raining :giggles:

I read it online :)
And didn't the Trib fire her? After she killed wine tags?
They killed her weekly column (and picked up Jill C's syndicated one in its place). She still freelances for them.
The Trib is best used for keeping the coupons dry on the driveway when it's raining :giggles:

I read it online :)

For now. I guess it will be cheaper if you get the paper at least a few days a week. But for non-subscribers they are going to charge $14.99/mo online starting Nov 1, I'm sure there will be tens of thousands of people happy to pay that price. Not! :lol: