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Two roads diverged in a yellow wood...


Part Of The Furniture
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Have you ever been faced with two (or more) different pathways in life? Which did you choose? Did you make the right decision?

A million times. Every decision can lead into new uncharted territory. Whether a decision was good? I'm still thinking about some after decades.
Indeed. I guess I was thinking about the ones where you look back and think "gee, life would have been so different if I'd gone the other direction". :)
The only solace you can find is either that the other life wouldn't have been all that different after all, or that statistically speaking, if the instantiations of our souls are polymorph, then every possible life of yours is being lived somewhere. ;)
Life is full of regrets. The only way one can not regret something would be for them to make a choice and then hope its the best. But, sadly we live in a world where hope is just a word we came up with to validate belief. So in essence one will always have regrets. You just have to not worry about it which is hard for some to do. Many things I wish I could go back and change about life, but it is how it is as they say.
I chose to go the long route to graduate college and work restaurant jobs instead of getting my graduate degree and/or getting a career job and it cost me from getting married to the woman I love. Just goes to show. If marriage and family are of value to you, you really should go for the money. 75% of women said they wouldn't marry anyone without a job, even if they were recently laid off. 50% said they wouldn't marry a man if he made less than $40k a year. Better work somewhere for awhile or go to college or invent something. Other than that, the choices have been pretty good.
I prefer my money for nothing and my chicks for free...
Right ... when a woman only wants you for your money, she's no good -- I certainly wouldn't want a woman who'd leave me next time I'm unemployed ...

What does the marriage oath say? "in good times and in bad times" ...
I can't think of anything particularly life changing decisions, perhaps except for the chance to own a car or to travel to France for a week.
I chose France; I think I made the better decision.
BTW, you can save some money if you stay in youth hostels or pensions, fly by last minute flights, and travel by train. Also, a payment plan that's cheap for your cell phone when calling overseas might be a good idea. Some cell phone providers offer call-by-call services with special rates. Ask some French folk, perhaps visit an Internet Cafe when you're there.
Life is full of regrets. The only way one can not regret something would be for them to make a choice and then hope its the best. But, sadly we live in a world where hope is just a word we came up with to validate belief. So in essence one will always have regrets. You just have to not worry about it which is hard for some to do. Many things I wish I could go back and change about life, but it is how it is as they say.

*tilts head* this seems very glass-half-empty to me. Choices also bring very good fortune. There are many things I've chosen in my life that I'm so thankful that I did. I feel very, very lucky and very, very little regret. Even still, given my time again I'd have to do it all the same, just so I end up where I am right now. :)
*tilts head* this seems very glass-half-empty to me. Choices also bring very good fortune. There are many things I've chosen in my life that I'm so thankful that I did. I feel very, very lucky and very, very little regret. Even still, given my time again I'd have to do it all the same, just so I end up where I am right now. :)

Well, my glass is always empty :p But, I was just being truthful. Everyone has regrets. We can pretend we do not but there is always something we wished we could change. The key is just to not dwell on them. I regret tons of stuff that I would change if could but who knows if making those changes would have the outcomes I wanted. So...Like I said is how it is :D
I to had many roads to choose in life. But in the long run, I'm glad I chose the road that I'm on now.
I think that every choice we make sends us off into a different direction ... I'm pretty sure I could have lived a happy life (perhaps even happier) on various other pathways. Perhaps my time of true happiness is still ahead of me, who knows!! Being happy where you are with what you have is a true gift in my opinion. I'm one of those proverbial Germans that always worry, always thinking, always rolling things around the mind. But I'm glad I'm thinking over the regret thing in this phase of my life ... perhaps that'll make room for all the more joy later on in life. ;)
I'm currently on a path that I wish I knew more about.

Once upon a time, I was in love. I still don't know if that's even true. I was in love with a man I'd never met. A man on the direct opposite side of the planet. I don't know if that's possible, but no one could deny I had some strong attraction to him. Everything stopped when he spoke, and he was the only person I knew who found the ability to motivate me. I'm a lazy thing, and he could talk me into doing all the things I procrastinated on.

Anyway, he'd said "It could never work..." and I had to agree and we parted ways. I'd always been sad, thinking, how can we possibly know it would never work. We never even bothered to try. But I had no choice but to let go. I met another man, and he was wonderful. Sweet. Funny. He cared about me. Loved me even...

But then... the man from the other side of the planet came back into my life after an extended absence. He... hated that I was with someone obviously wrong for me. And we argued a lot about it. I said he had no right to say anything. Because HE decided it couldn't work.

Well... he said, he'd been wrong.

He said he was wrong and it was worth it to try...

And whether it was wrong or not for me to do this, I broke up with the sweet, funny... loving man. To be with the man who'd hurt me.. said such horrible things to spare me the heartache of a long-distance relationship.

I'm working to pay for a trip to Australia (other side of the planet) so I can finally meet him... Finally find out if this illusion I fell in love with... was the right choice.

My instincts tell me I'm doing what I should be doing. I'm not living in my safety bubble anymore. I'm breaking out. I'm going on an adventure...

Which is something I've always wanted.

So I suppose, whether this turns out to be an AMAZING relationship or not? I'll have forced myself to go on this amazing adventure to find out...

I'll at least have that victory.
It's nice that you are able to just take off and meet someone that you've had a relationship with on the net. Just do yourself one thing. On the first meeting don't go to his house or your hotel room. Meet in a restaurant talk face to face for a few hours. Take a walk after that and if you feel that special spark when you kiss or hold hands and you feel that this is the man who will be part of your life forever, then I wish you all the best. Just don't get married after talking to him for a few hours, days or weeks. Give it some time for your relationship to grow. Meet his family, friends, and if this doesn't work out, you can always go back to the other man you also felt was a nice, kind person in your life.

So many roads to choose from....let us know what path you take Gingerfox.
Well, my glass is always empty :p But, I was just being truthful. Everyone has regrets. We can pretend we do not but there is always something we wished we could change. The key is just to not dwell on them. I regret tons of stuff that I would change if could but who knows if making those changes would have the outcomes I wanted. So...Like I said is how it is :D

I appreciate the honesty and different opinion. If I wanted to hear my own opinions all day I'd talk to myself. :p
Very interesting Gingerfox. I find it hard to imagine really being able to know someone well without having known them in person, it's hard enough to really know someone if you see them all the time. This is something I seem to differ on with many of my internet "friends" I've made, who consider them as as real as any friendship they have in real life. I find it a lot harder to connect words on a screen with real people.

Someone once broke up with me and asked for me back a couple of weeks later once I was dating someone else, saying it was a mistake to break up. We was rather shocked when I told him to get stuffed. :)