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Uk vs UofL: Basketball Armageddon?


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The Ville
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There is almost a 100% percent chance that there will be some vandelism after this game no matter who wins. For people outside of the Louisville, KY area, this rivalry is insane. Being a fan of either team plays a deep part of who you are. One of the first questions people ask around here is, "UofL or Uk?". This is going to be fun to watch.
Even the local Skyline is rolling out something special for the UK/UofL game... Red and Blue noodles. This look weird, but fun, check it out.

As a Cincinnatian, I didn't even realize there were Skylines that far south. And now you've made me hungry for some Skyline, which I can't get down in Alabama.

In regards to vandalizing, I hope that both police forces (of Louisville and Lexington) are out in force on Saturday. Being an Auburn student, it certainly isn't any fun when a piece of school is destroyed like the Toomer's Oaks at Auburn. Good luck to both teams, and may Ohio State beat the winner.
Just came across this article. Kind of puts this rivalry in perspective.

Kentucky And Louisville Fans Fight At Dialysis Clinic

The rivalry between Kentucky and Louisville was taken to a new level on Tuesday when two fans started a fist fight at a dialysis clinic, according to WYMT.com.

“I think this is a first at a dialysis center,” Lt. Robert Swanigan said.

The fight started when the fans began arguing about which team would win Saturday’s Final Four match-up.
“He just happened to think UofL would beat UK and he started to run his mouth,” said dialysis patient Ed Wilson, who is a Kentcuky fan. “That’s what started it.”

Charles Taylor, a Louisville fan, was waiting to get hooked up to a machine and was talking to another fan when Wilson intervened.

“I didn’t talk to him about the ball game; I was talking to another guy about the game,” Taylor said. “He was meddling. And told me to shut up and gave me the finger!”

Wilson added: “I went up to him and I hit him. Didn’t hit him that hard, but I hit him.”
There are no charges filed and the case is now closed, according to WYMT.