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Umaga will destroy Shawn Micheals tonight?


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**** it's been a slow wrestling week.....
You can only add a poll to a thread within 5 minutes of posting the thread.

This was supposed to be a poll... but appearently I type TOO ****ING SLOW!!!! :/

Choices were

1) Umaga Kills Again!
2) Super Shawn CANNOT be destroyed!
3) **** finish (probably involving Cena)
4) It's just a teaser for the PPV....don't get your hopes up!

ARRGHHHH!!!!! :shifty:
I choose **** finish btw....

Is there an echo in here?

Ahh!! Jaime! :eek:

:kissback: :kissback: :kissback:

Sorry about all the affection. I just experienced that same guilt you feel when you remember you left the dog outside all night.

And I mean that in the most complimentary way possible. :shifty:

Anywho, I'll go with a win for Umaga thanks to McMahon/Spirit Squad interference, a threatened post-match beatdown, and the return of Hunter to single-handedly save the day.
I'm actually more anticicipating seeing Hugh Laurie on Inside the Actors Studio.
There's going to be a Foley/Flair confrontation. And Hogan is there. And TEH DIVA SEARCH!! MIZ!!11111111111111

If that doesn't equal a night of hot TV action, then I guess I don't know hot TV action.

I am betting they'll have Umaga get the win thru a load of interference to keep his pointless win streak going. But they won't let him beat Shawn straight up and I have no argument with that.

Cena vs Edge at SummerSlam might get announced tonight since it got leaked on WWE.com already. Still wondering what they'll do about the DX vs Vince feud for SummerSlam though, I mean how many more times can they do the Vince & Shane or Sprit Squad matches?
But you've also got "Orton Knows Best" and a 3way for the IC title so might not be all that bad.
Geoff said:
I just experienced that same guilt you feel when you remember you left the dog outside all night.

I've looked at that from several different perspectives now and I'm still wondering how I should take it! :mad:

Hugh Laurie was great!

The DX "Baby" photos were cute.....:mad: but predictible!
I am betting they'll have Umaga get the win thru a load of interference to keep his pointless win streak going. But they won't let him beat Shawn straight up and I have no argument with that.

Agreed... which is the "****" I spoke of!
how many more times can they do the Vince & Shane or Sprit Squad matches?

I dunno. How many times did they do Undertaker vs. Kane? :D
Yeah. But I guess we got our answer with Vince & Shane vs HHH & HBK. Which shows you what they really think of the Spirit Squad, since the McMahons think they have a better shot than at beating DX than the 5 of them do.
But really.... Hasn't McMahon always booked Raw to portray himself as being superior to everyone else?

I enjoyed tonight's show for the most part.... I'm happy to see the Spirit Squad being demoted to mid card status (which is still better than they deserve) and their "slot" being given to Umaga, who I find a lot more entertaining. I thought the main event played out pretty well and was happy enough with the outcome. Nothing on Raw ever has the "epic" feeling that it had back during the Golden Rock/Stone Cold era.... I guess it never will again.

The women's tag match was nice I thought, and for the 2nd straight week, I could swear I actually saw some wrestling out of Candice Michelle.

The Foley-Flair segment was like an opera... some good moments, some bad moments, some strange moments..... but the main impression it leaves you with was that it lasted way too ****ing long.

They should just go ahead and give JT the Diva search prize and end that nonsense!

Cena continues to be the goofiest SOB on television.

Edge is right... he is the "forgotten" champion... and it's extremely unfair. Add to that, not enough Lita's **** tonight!

(This thread should probly be merged into the WWE RAW thread... sorry I was bored earlier.)

And the countdown to ECW begins..... :D
I fell asleep during RAW. :\

I watched the first maybe 10 minutes. Umaga/Michaels = No contest?
Matt said:
I fell asleep during RAW. :\

That keeps happening to me. I want to watch but I guess I'm so bored I fall asleep and don't wake up till Raw ends. Been like that the last three weeks. I kept zoning in and out. I remember Carlito and Benjamin in a match I think and the women's tag match but thats it.
I watching Raw tonite for the first time in probably over a year. Is this what it has come to? I mean ****, the DX stuff brought back memories and what not, but the rest is just a waste. Plus it just doesnt feel like DX with only 2 guys. Their just a tag team, not a stable.
Is this what it has come to?

Pretty much! :lol: I only started back watching this past November after not watching for over 2 yrs. Today's wrestling does indeed suck..... but no matter how hard I try to stay away.... something always pulls me back in! :shifty:

I just thought to watch it tonight since I see you guys talking about it all the time. Not many of the wrestling girls do anything for me. Stacy did, and that Michelle chick on Smackdown is kinda hot.
I thought the show was better than the last couple of weeks but nothing overly special.

Flair/Foley wasn't so one sided this week but the biggest thing this feud makes me think each week is how their match can't/won't live up to the hype and promos it can create.

The women's tag-match was nice and like Jaime said it seems Candice is actually doing some real wrestling. Good for her, hot is certainly enough to be a WWE diva these days, but nice to see her go after more than that.

The IC 3 way match was good, still too short and Nitro should still not have that belt.

HHH & HBK are two of my favorites ever but even I am tired of DX already. They need to end this run after SummerSlam. And both Cena and Edge need another feud reguardless of whom leaves the ppv with the belt.