Originally posted by possum37
I'm not sure we have the right to bomb the heck out of anybody when 2 of the 3 top people in our government are war criminals.
Give it a break already. If by your definition of "War Criminal" you mean a person who has killed an enemy during a war in which they feel their cause is just, then if given the opportunity, millions of a Americans right now, would gladly have you call them "war criminals", if it meant being given the opportunity to kill Osama Bin Laden, or other existent terrorists. These people, these extremists are very very real. If proof of their relentlessness in pursuit of their cause isn't already visible enough by the damage they've done, if you think these acts are demonstrative of a force whose "agressions" may "soon cease" for the sake of morality, and if the damage they've done doesn't warrant their extermination as a consequence...well, then, I don't know what else to say to you.