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Viagra joke


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An elderly woman goes to the doctor and asks his help to revive her husband's sex drive. "What about trying Viagra?" asks the doctor. "Not a chance" says Mrs. Jones. "He won't even take an aspirin for a headache.

"No problem," replies the doctor. "Drop it into his coffee, he won't even taste it. Try it and come back in a week to let me know how you got on."

A week later Mrs. Jones returns to the doctor and he inquires as to how things went. "Oh it was terrible, just terrible doctor.

"What happened?" asks the doctor. "Well I did as you advised and slipped it in his coffee. The effect was immediate. He jumped straight up, swept the cutlery off the table, at the same time ripping my clothes off and then proceeded to make passionate love to me on the tabletop. It was terrible."

"What was terrible?" said the doctor, "was the sex not good?" "Oh no doctor, the sex was the best I've had in 25 years, but... I'll never be able to show my face in McDonald's again."
Oh Bilgey, you weren't supposed to tell about us in McDonalds!

hey web, whaddya say we hit Burger King next?

You really know how to sweet talk a girl, don'tcha! "Fast Food" will never be the same! :-0
just don't be venturing anywhere near white castle ...

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
I think you must be obsessed w/white castles, spiderG.

it sure appears that way doesn't it?

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
Hey Babe, don't be bashing White Castle now! You know I've just got to have a slider now and then... actually, I think it's the fries I like the best, but you knew I'd say that didn't you?